The Early Adventures of El Borak: Ultimate Edition brings together Robert E. Howard’s formative tales of Francis Xavier Gordon, known as El Borak, alongside a rich tapestry of other memorable characters. El Borak, Howard’s first creation, embodies the fierce independence and swift action that have made him a timeless hero. From the deserts of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, his adventures are filled with danger, intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

In addition to El Borak, this collection features the daring exploits of other iconic characters from Howard’s imagination. The Sonora Kid, a cowboy with a quick draw and a sharper wit, navigates the treacherous terrain of the American Southwest. Lal Singh, a merry Sikh warrior, uses both swordplay and trickery to survive and thrive in a world of constant peril. And Yar Ali Khan, a brooding and loyal companion to El Borak, emerges as a formidable force in his own right, fighting alongside his friend in some of the most remote and hostile lands.

This Ultimate Edition presents these stories as they were originally conceived, with all material drawn from Howard’s original typescripts, manuscripts, and carbons. Newly added is the story “Drag,” and several tales have been restored to their original typescript forms, offering a deeper insight into Howard’s creative genius.

With a striking new cover by Mark Wheatley, this collection is a must-have for fans and scholars of Robert E. Howard. Whether you’re familiar with these characters or encountering them for the first time, this edition offers a thrilling journey into the early adventures of one of pulp fiction’s greatest storytellers.

CHANGES FROM THE FIRST EDITION: In this Ultimate Edition, “Drag” has been added. Transcriptions of Howard’s typescripts or previously edited versions of “The Further Adventures of Lal Singh,” “Red Curls and Bobbed Hair,” Untitled (“Madge Meraldson”), Untitled (“The Hades Saloon”), and “The West Tower” have been restored to typescript. In the first edition, a handwritten first draft was used for “The Tale of the Rajah’s Ring”; this edition uses an incomplete typed second draft, finished with the text from the handwritten first draft. Accordingly, all texts are now from REH typescripts except “Under the Great Tiger,” which is from the first publication.


  • vii • Acknowledgments (The Early Adventures of El Borak) • essay by uncredited
  • ix • The Making of El Borak • essay by David A. Hardy (I)

The Coming of El Borak

Lal Singh Oriental Gentleman

The Adventures of Yar Ali Khan

Steve Allison: The Sonora Kid


Maps, Sketches and Lists

  • 322 • Maps possibly for “Blood of the Gods” • interior artwork by Robert E. Howard
  • 323 • List – possible for “Blood of the Gods” • by Robert E. Howard
  • 324 • Map found on the back of typescript pages for “Three-Bladed Doom” • interior artwork by Robert E. Howard
Year :September 2024
ISBN.:978-1-955446-21-1 (Paperback)
978-1-955446-11-2 (Hardcover)
978-1-955446-32-7 (eBook)
Edition :1st
Format :Hardcover with dust jacket
Pages :xiv plus 331
Cover :Mark Wheatley
Illustrations :Maps by Robert E. Howard

The first edition:


Edited by Rob Roehm and Paul Herman.
Cover art by Mark Wheatley.
Prepared for publication by Ståle Gismervik, Savage Studios.



The Early Adventures of El Borak

The Early Adventures of El Borak: Ultimate Edition brings together Robert E. Howard’s formative tales of Francis Xavier Gordon, known as El Borak, alongside a rich tapestry of other memorable characters. El Borak, Howard’s first creation, embodies the fierce independence and swift action that have made him a timeless hero. From the deserts of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, his adventures are filled with danger, intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

Tags: El Borak / Lal Singh / Paul Herman / Rob Roehm / Robert E. Howard / Ståle Gismervik / The Sonora Kid