The Robert E. Howard Foundation LLC began in the year 2000. They were organized to foster a better understanding of the life and works of Robert E. Howard. Goal number one is to honor his legacy as a prolific, successful, and highly skilled writer. He loved to write fantasy, regional horror, action-adventure stories, and much more. He had a true knack for spanning multiple genres with ease.

Become a member today
It is a non-profit organization. The Robert E. Howard Foundation has received 501(c)(3) status. Membership fees are therefore tax-deductible donations, as are other donations, monetary or otherwise. I’m not sure this goes for international memberships.
More information
Howard also loved to craft unique and dynamic characters to fill his imaginative worlds. Our foundation is here to do the following things:
- Acquire, manage, and conserve archives and collections of Howard’s work and personal items
- To conduct research for scholars, historians, fans, and others that are interested in Howard’s life and legacy.
- To promote and award young writers of the same genres with awards/scholarships
- To support Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas, each year.
- To help support and maintain Robert’s personal home and museum in Cross Plains, Texas.
- To make Howard’s works available through multiple channels.
As you can see, we tackle many different tasks at our foundation. We love rewarding young writers that share Howard’s passion for fantasy and horror. We’re an international foundation, and you’re free to join us wherever you live. All that we ask is that you’re as big a fan as we are of Robert E. Howard! Don’t wait to join, do it today. You can join the Foundation here.
There different kinds of memberships are:
- $9.99 – as a Supporting Member a 10% annual rebate on REH Foundation Press (REHFP) via their website, and have the ability to vote in the annual REHF Awards.
- $49 – as a Friend of REH you will receive the member perks above, as well as the REHF newsletter.
- $99 – Legacy Circle members will receive all the above, along with invitations to special events and at least one exclusive publication. Legacy Circle members might also get other additional benefits during the year.
Board Of Directors
Rusty Burke – (Chairman/President)
Paul Herman – (Secretary/Treasurer)
Bill Cavalier – (Membership)
Rob Roehm – (Publications)
Patrice Louinet
Fredrik Malmberg (President/CEO, Cabinet Entertainment)
Joakim Zetterberg – (EVP, Cabinet Entertainment)
Mark Finn
Jeff Shanks
John Bullard
The contact information for the Robert E. Howard Foundation is found here.