The Poetry of Robert E. Howard
By Paul Herman *
Robert E. Howard wrote poetry. He wrote it first in life, last in life, and throughout life. Howard completed around 300 stories for commercial sale and worked on 300 more. But he wrote over 700 poems, virtually none of them meant for commercial markets. His first publication outside of school was his poem “The Sea”, published in a local paper. His famous “All fled, all done…” couplet, borrowed from Viola Garvin, was allegedly the last words he typed. And in between, poetry gushed from him.
“I know his [REH’s] stories will be read and forgotten, but I do know also that if his poems were in book form . . . they would live on and on and not be forgotten. Somebody would be reading them for many years to come.”
― Dr. Isaac Mordecai Howard, father of REH
Howard poured himself into his poetry, undisguised. What amazed him, what drew him, what scared him, what sickened him. He wasn’t worried about what we the eventual readers would think of him as an author. And perhaps this is true of any real poet, the fearlessness of saying what one really wants to say.
This three-volume set, The Collected Poems of Robert E. Howard includes all of Howard’s poetry that has been found, including all the earlier draft versions, where such exist. This is indeed the Ultimate collection of Robert E. Howard’s poetry.
This is the “Ultimate Edition” which just means that it’s printed on demand. Each volume is printed in hardback with a dust jacket. The cover design and artwork are by Mark Wheatley. The first edition can be seen here.
* Text edited and shortened by webmaster.
Foreword by Paul Herman
With regard to editing the texts, I have chosen first and foremost to go back to what REH actually wrote. Poetry by its very nature involves an author using grammar, layout, and punctuation differently than would be appropriate in a prose work. REH certainly was not shy about being creative in such details. Some may consider such things as lack of proper punctuation unacceptable, but it was REH’s work and his choice. Therefore I have attempted, as much as possible, to restore all the texts to his original words and forms.
Multiple drafts exist of some poems. Sometimes there is little difference between drafts, sometimes significant differences. In the case of multiple drafts, I have included either notes regarding, or the complete text of, the earlier drafts, depending on how different they are.
Typically we do not have a copy of the “final form” of a poem that REH sent off to a magazine, like Weird Tales. Thus, we really have no idea if any differences that show up between the published version and a draft typescript version were created by REH (in a later draft for which no copy is available in the known typescripts) or by the editors. In instances where there are significant differences, we have included both versions.
And finally, on occasion, there is more than one version of a poem, with it not being evident which came before the other. That is, which is the more “final” of the two. In those cases, I have again just picked one and referred to the “alternate” version in either the footnotes or included it, if significantly different. One will also occasionally encounter a “variant” version, a poem that is significantly similar to another, but with a completely different title, and likely meant to be a different poem, one used as raw material for the other.
With regard to the arrangement of the works in this collection, REH had poetry that he thought was good enough and ready to publish. He also had what appeared to be works in progress, and silly things he just did in letters to friends. Because I wanted to let REH set out what he thought was his best, and reserve the silly stuff for those readers that really want to see it, I have decided to sort the works broadly into six sections:
- Finished and Professional
- Titled Drafts
- Untitled Drafts
- No Known Drafts
- Youthful Writings
- Poetry for Friends
It is recognized that some works may fit in multiple sections, and I have made choices as best I think.
Sequentially, starting with the “Titled Drafts” section in Volume One, each section is broken down into six subsections:
- Introductory Sampling (some of the best in a section)
- Seeking Adventure and Freedom
- Fantastical
- Historical and Observational
- Humor
- Naughty
- Darker Moods
Again, some poems could fit in multiple subsections, and I have made decisions as I think best.
The recently gained access to the entire Glenn Lord Collection of typescripts added several poems, as well as lots of early and alternate drafts. This influx of material (along with the addition of multiple indices) has caused the complete collection to grow larger than is convenient for a single volume.
Accordingly, I have broken Collected Poetry into three volumes, comprising the six categories listed above:
- Volume One: Finished and Professional; Titled Drafts
- Volume Two: Untitled Drafts; No Known Drafts; Youthful Writings
- Volume Three: Poetry for Friends
In selecting which section to place poems, the first general rule is, any poetry in letters goes into Poetry for Friends, and all works either handwritten or typed on REH’s first typewriter, go into Youthful Writings. After those were sorted, then the remaining poetry was sorted as needed into Finished and Professional, Titled Drafts, Untitled Drafts, and No Known Draft.
If there is more than one draft, all drafts of a poem are presented together one after the other. In each instance I have either included all the drafts together, or at least added notes on earlier drafts, if the differences are few. I have used the most “final” version to help decide into which section of the collection the bundle of drafts will appear. So for instance, if for a particular poem there is a final draft, an earlier titled draft, and an untitled draft, all three will appear together in Finished and Professional. If the best version is merely titled but not in final form, then the Titled Drafts section gets the set. If only untitled drafts are known, then they will appear in the Untitled Drafts section. And finally, for those without drafts, they are placed in the No Known Draft Section. Published versions which are significantly different from any draft have generally been included after the known drafts.
Also included at the back of each volume is a full alphabetical list of all poems with volume and page number, alternate title list, first line index, and sources used for texts and titles.
Finally, with regard to titles, it is unfortunate that the typescripts we have access to include only about 300 titles for the 700+ poems. Some might prefer to have all these poems with no provable title to just be called “Untitled”, or just use the first line, but that tends to make it difficult to discuss the poems with others, or to reference. A short simple title for each is desirable, and that appears to be the thought of virtually all previous editors who published the vast majority of these poems. And it may be that in some instances, the first published title actually was a title REH meant for that work, who knows.
In general, I have used the title provided by REH in a typescript, if one is available. Those are easy. If a work was published during REH’s lifetime, or just after, I’ll presume the title came from REH, and use that title (though of course there is no real proof that that is true). Everything else, and there is a lot of everything else, is really a question. For most of this remaining verse, I have simply used whatever title the work was published with previously, for simplicity and continuity, recognizing the high likelihood that there is not, and never was, a titled draft, and that the title was attached by whomever. Much of the more recently discovered poetry that is untitled is here titled with the first line, or a portion of the first line. In a very few instances, I have found the previous title (or lack thereof) a real problem, and have added a title of my own creation. I have tried to keep these to a minimum. The source list at the end of this volume will include both the source of the text used, as well as the source of the title, if known, for those interested in such details.
It is hoped that all this minutiae and detail does not detract from the entire point of this three volume set: to provide all of REH’s poetic works, those brilliant and those not quite so, for the reader’s enjoyment and thoughtful perusement.
Volume Two - Contents
- ix • Introduction: The History and Mystery of the Publishing of the Poetry of Robert E. Howard, by Paul Herman
- xix • Foreword by Paul Herman
- xxiii • Acknowledgements
Section three: Untitled Drafts
Introductory Sampling
7 | The Return of Sir Richard Grenville |
9 | Miser’s Gold |
10 | The Sand-Hills’ Crest |
12 | The One Black Stain |
14 | The One Black Stain (the second draft) |
16 | The One Black Stain (the first draft) |
19 | Drowned |
19 | Drowned (an alternate version) |
20 | Little Brown Man of Nippon |
22 | A Song of the Race |
25 | The Ballad of Buckshot Roberts |
27 | In the Ring |
29 | Destiny (1) |
Seeking Adventure and Freedom
33 | The Call of the Sea |
34 | The Call of Adventure (incomplete) |
35 | A Dying Pirate Speaks of Treasure |
37 | The Winds That Walk the World |
39 | Revolt Pagan |
40 | Old Memories of Adventure |
41 | I’m More Than a Man |
42 | Freedom |
45 | The Symbol |
46 | The Ghost Ocean |
47 | Dance Macabre |
48 | Shadows from Yesterday |
49 | Cornish Jack |
51 | Mad Meg Gill |
53 | Ju-Ju Doom |
54 | All Hallows Eve |
55 | All Hallows Eve (an earlier draft) |
56 | The Phantoms Gather |
57 | Mystic Lore |
58 | Counterspells |
59 | Prince and Beggar |
60 | Shadow Thing |
61 | The Worshippers |
62 | When the Gods Were Kings |
63 | The Master-Drum |
64 | Death’s Black Riders (story heading) |
65 | The Bell of Morni |
66 | The Shadow of the Beast (story heading) |
67 | As I Rode Down to Lincoln Town |
68 | Egypt |
69 | Baal |
71 | Seven Kings |
71 | Seven Kings (an earlier draft) |
72 | The Drums of Pictdom |
73 | Abhorrent Gods |
Historical and Observational
77 | A Song of the Naked Lands |
80 | A Song of the Naked Lands (the first page of an earlier draft) |
82 | The Feud |
83 | Memories of Alfred |
84 | A Legend of Faring Town |
85 | The Road to Bliss |
87 | Alien |
88 | The Song of Horsa’s Galley |
89 | No Man’s Land |
90 | To Harry the Oliad Men |
91 | A Rhyme of Salem Town |
93 | Where are Your Knights, Donn Othna? |
94 | The Zulu Lord |
95 | Rattle of Drums |
97 | Lost Nisapur |
98 | Babylon |
98 | Babylon (an alternate version) |
99 | The Baron and the Wench |
100 | Silence Falls on Mecca’s Walls |
101 | Down the Ages |
102 | The Affair at the Tavern |
105 | The Chief of the Matabeles |
108 | No More the Serpent Prow |
109 | When the Glaciers Rumbled South |
110 | The Guise of Youth |
111 | The Cells of the Coliseum |
112 | Days of Glory |
113 | When Death Drops Her Veil |
114 | A Thousand Years Ago |
115 | The Drum |
116 | Roar, Silver Trumpets |
117 | The Winds of the Sea |
118 | The Night Winds |
119 | The Broken Walls of Babel |
120 | The Ballad of King Geraint |
145 | The Ages Stride on Golden Feet |
146 | The King of the Ages Comes |
147 | The Gods I Worshipped |
148 | Nocturne |
149 | Devon Oak |
150 | A Calling to Rome |
151 | Sea-Chant |
152 | De Ole River Ox |
153 | The Wind Blows |
153 | The Wind Blows (an alternate version) |
154 | Trail’s End |
155 | A Song of Bards |
156 | The Oaks |
157 | The Land of Mystery (story heading) |
158 | The Majestic Mary L. |
159 | Exhortation |
160 | Universe |
161 | Passing of the Elder Gods |
162 | The Desert |
163 | The Masque |
164 | Mahomet |
165 | The Actor |
166 | The King of Trade |
167 | For What Is a Maid to the Shout of Kings? |
168 | Fill Up My Goblet |
169 | Brazen Thewed Giant |
173 | Another Hymn of Hate |
175 | Code |
176 | A Pledge |
177 | The Phases of Life |
181 | Prelude |
182 | Desire |
183 | Good Mistress Brown |
184 | The Harlot |
185 | Perspective |
Darker Moods
189 | Mine But to Serve |
192 | Never Beyond the Beast |
193 | The House of Gael |
194 | The Champ |
195 | Invective |
196 | Only a Shadow on the Grass |
197 | Little Bell of Brass |
198 | Harvest |
199 | The Ladder of Life |
200 | The Primal Urge |
201 | An Outworn Story |
203 | On with the Play |
205 | Time, the Victor |
Section Four: No Known Drafts
Introductory Sampling
211 | Solomon Kane’s Homecoming |
214 | Solomon Kane’s Homecoming (an untitled alternate version) |
217 | Black Harps in the Hills |
219 | Black Harps in the Hills (an untitled, shorter version in a letter) |
220 | The Ghost Kings |
221 | Two Men |
223 | The Tale the Dead Slaver Told |
224 | The Tale the Dead Slaver Told (an alternate version) |
225 | Not Only in Death They Die |
Seeking Adventure and Freedom
229 | Viking’s Vision |
231 | Earth-Born |
232 | The Outgoing of Sigurd the Jerusalem-Farer |
233 | To a Friend |
234 | Drake Sings of Yesterday |
236 | Untamed Avatars |
239 | The Song of the Gallows Tree |
240 | A Dull Sound as of Knocking |
241 | The Dweller in Dark Valley |
242 | Zukala’s Love Song |
245 | The Grey God Passes (chapter headings) |
246 | A Song of the Werewolf Folk |
248 | But the Hills Were Ancient Then |
249 | The Palace of Bast |
250 | The Doom Chant of Than-Kul |
251 | Baal-Pteor |
252 | Futility (1) |
253 | Astarte’s Idol Stands Alone |
254 | Memories (1) |
255 | Fragment |
256 | Summer Morn |
257 | The Cats of Anubis |
Historical and Observational
261 | The Song of the Last Briton |
262 | Who Shall Sing of Babylon? |
264 | Victory |
266 | A Dawn in Flanders |
267 | The Cry Everlasting |
268 | The Legacy of Tubal-Cain |
269 | A Song of the Don Cossacks |
270 | A Song of the Legions |
272 | Lunacy Chant |
273 | These Things are Gods |
274 | The Road to Rome |
276 | Cossack Dreams |
277 | War to the Blind |
278 | The Day Breaks over Simla |
279 | Custom |
280 | The Gates of Babylon |
281 | Dreams |
282 | Dreams of Nineveh |
283 | Drum Gods |
284 | The Gods of Easter Island |
285 | Sonora to Del Rio |
286 | The Sands of the Desert |
287 | Ships |
288 | Murky the Night |
289 | Artifice |
293 | The Weakling |
294 | Madam Goose’s Rhymes |
299 | The Myth |
300 | Ecstasy |
302 | A Roman Lady |
304 | Strange Passion |
Darker Moods
309 | Which Will Scarcely Be Understood |
311 | Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die |
312 | Hope Empty of Meaning |
313 | A Sonnet of Good Cheer |
314 | The Wheel of Destiny |
315 | The Dust Dance (1) |
318 | The Dust Dance (2) |
321 | The Road to Freedom |
322 | To Moderns |
324 | Echoes from an Anvil |
326 | The Lies |
237 | Longfellow Revised |
328 | To Certain Orthodox Brethren |
329 | Man Am I |
330 | Empire |
332 | To a Kind Missionary Woiker |
333 | Let the Gods Die |
334 | As You Dance Upon the Air |
335 | The Rulers |
337 | Native Hell |
338 | Escape |
339 | Man the Master |
340 | The Songs of Defeat |
Section Five: Youthful Writings
Introductory Sampling
345 | Fables for Little Folks |
346 | Farewell, Proud Munster |
Seeking Adventure and Freedom
349 | Illusion |
350 | The Sea |
352 | The Sword of Lal Singh |
353 | The Outcast |
354 | A High Land |
355 | The Pirate (1) |
356 | The Sword of Yar Ali Khan |
357 | The Trail of Gold |
358 | Senor Zorro |
360 | The Song of Yar Ali Khan |
361 | When Men Were Bold |
365 | Far in the Gloomy Northland |
366 | Am-ra the Ta-an |
369 | A Misty Sea |
370 | Modest Bill |
Historical and Observational
377 | The Bandit |
378 | The Rover |
379 | Over the Old Rio Grandey |
380 | Roundelay of the Roughneck |
382 | Private Magrath of the A.E.F. |
384 | Tarentella |
386 | Was I There? |
387 | Land of the Pioneer |
388 | The Plains of Gilban |
389 | Whence Cometh Erlik? |
390 | Zulu-Land |
391 | The Tartar Raid |
392 | The Stralsund |
393 | O the Brave Sea-Rover |
394 | Krakorum |
395 | Eric of Norway |
403 | The Kissing of Sal Snooboo |
404 | The Maiden of Kercheezer |
405 | My Sentiments, Set to Jazz |
407 | Parody on Description of June in “Sir Launfal” |
408 | Rules of Etiquette |
410 | When I Was in Africa |
411 | Edgar Guest |
412 | Bill Boozy Was a Pirate Bold |
413 | When Napoleon Down in Africa |
Darker moods
417 | Futility (2) |
418 | Mankind |
420 | Now and Then |
337 | Primary Poetry Index |
357 | Alternate Title Index |
363 | First Line Index |
Publisher: | REH Foundation Press |
Year : | November 2022 |
Book No. : | |
Edition : | 2nd edition, version 1 |
Format : | Hardcover with dust jacket (6 x 9 inches) Trade paperback (6 x 9 inches) |
Pages : | |
Cover : | Mark Wheatley |
Illustrations : | None |
- Edited by Paul Herman
- Print on demand “Ultimate Edition”
The other volumes
The first edition