This is a collection of Robert E. Howard’s kind of science fiction stories, including the perhaps most known Almuric (a bit like John Carter of Mars). This volume is 290 pages.

This volume is printed in hardback with dust jacket and also in paperback. There is even an eBook. Cover design by Mark Wheatley; introduction by Michael A. Stackpole; edited by Rob Roehm.
CHANGES FROM THE 1ST EDITION: King of the Forgotten People, synopsis, and an early draft, are new to this edition.

It’s published by the Robert E. Howard Foundation Press.



Edited by Rob Roehm and Paul Herman.
Introduction by Michael A. Stackpole.
Prepared for publication by Ståle Gismervik – Savage Studios.

Stories dated 2007 appeared in “The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval“, a publication of only 10 copies, issued to preserve copyright on previously unpublished Howard material.

Year :2024
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :ISBN: 978-1-955446-15-0 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-955446-14-3 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-955446-30-3 (eBook)
Pages :290
Cover :Mark Wheatley
Illustrations :None
The Robert E. Howard Foundation


Adventures in Science Fantasy – Ultimate Edition

This is a collection of Robert E. Howard’s kind of science fiction stories, including the perhaps most known Almuric (a bit like John Carter of Mars). This volume is 290 pages.

This volume is printed in hardback with dust jacket and also in paperback. There is even an eBook. Cover design by Mark Wheatley; introduction by Michael A. Stackpole; edited by Rob Roehm.
CHANGES FROM THE 1ST EDITION: King of the Forgotten People, synopsis, and an early draft, are new to this edition.

Tags: Altha / C. L. Moore / Cthulhu Mythos / Esau Cairn / Frank Belknap Long / H. P. Lovecraft / Mark Schultz / Michael A. Stackpole / Paul Herman / Rob Roehm / Ståle Gismervik