UNTITLED STORY (A Cossack and a Turk . . .). 85 words.
In th very short and unfinished fragment of the story “A Cossack and a Turk,” set on the steppes of Sungar, an intriguing encounter unfolds between two warriors from distinct cultures. Initially, the Cossack is unarmed with only a richly wrought scabbard, while the Turk possesses a scimitar but lacks a scabbard. They agree to gamble, and the Cossack wins the Turk’s scimitar. Empowered by his new armament, the Cossack then forcibly takes the Turk’s saddle, steed, and turban eigret before departing. The Turk, reflecting on the loss, concludes with a proverbial statement on the folly of arming an adversary, highlighting a lesson in foresight and strategic disadvantage.
Published in:
- THE GOLDEN CALIPH, Robert E. Howard, ca. August 1923
- THE LAST CELT, Grant, 1976
- THE LAST CELT, Berkley, November 1977
- THE EARLY ADVENTURES OF EL BORAK, REH Foundation Press, March 2010
- EL BORAK VOLUME 2 DELUXE EDITION, Providence Press, November 2020 (Italian)
- THE EARLY ADVENTURES OF EL BORAK, Ultimate Edition, REH Foundation Press, September 2024