
In the unfinished story “Spears of the East,” a confrontation unfolds between Ahmed Eb in Din, a formidable raider, and an old Arab village elder named Hadji. Ahmed demands the hand of Hadji’s young fifteen-year-old daughter, threatening to either receive her willingly or take her by force through an attack on the village. The old Arab, referred to as Hadji, is placed in a dire dilemma, caught between the prospect of surrendering his daughter to a cruel fate or facing the overwhelming military might of Ahmed’s Bedouin horsemen, known for their ferocity and lack of fear.

As the old Arab grapples with this impossible choice, a new development arises: a band of horsemen approaches from the west, led by a white man. These new arrivals, armed and imposing, add another layer of complexity and impending conflict to the narrative. The story leaves off with the arrival of these mysterious figures, setting the stage for a potential clash or alliance.


  • Ahmed Eb in Din – A raider and the primary antagonist in the story. He demands the young girl from the village, threatening violence if his demands are not met.
  • Hadji – The old Arab and village elder, faced with the difficult decision of protecting his daughter and his people from Ahmed’s threats.
  • Young Girl – The fifteen-year-old daughter of Hadji, who becomes the central point of Ahmed’s demand.
  • Tribesman – A member of Hadji’s village who informs him of the approaching band of horsemen.
  • White Man – The leader of the mysterious group of horsemen who arrive from the west, potentially influencing the outcome of the conflict.

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