Other websites you should visit!
Art and artists
- Jim & Ruth Keegan The website of the fantastic illustrators Jim & Ruth Keegan. The have done a lot of Robert E. Howard related artwork. Worth visiting.
Discussion and forums
Information and library sites
- Conan Wiki Wants to make CONAN wiki the ultimate online Conan reference
- Robert E. Howard bibliography (Wikipedia)
- Roy Glashan’s Library A library of REH public domain stories. Conan, Kull, James Allison and almost every Howard character where the story has been available as public domain is available to read here.
- Lynda’s Custom Bookbinding Makes custom slip cases and have made the ones the Girasol releases.
Official sites
- Howard Works The greatest source for finding any publications related to Robert E. Howard
- IMDB – Internet Movie Database
- Official Conan website The Official Conan website by Cabinet Entertainment LLC
- REH Foundation Press REH Foundations books
- Robert E. Howard Days
- Robert E. Howard Foundation The Foundation is organized to foster understanding of the life and works of Robert E. Howard.
- Robert E. Howard Museum (Facebook)
- Robert E. Howard – Wikipedia Robert E. Howard – Wikipedia
- Robert E. Howard – Wikipedia (Norwegian)
- The Cabinet Group A boutique Film/TV financing and production company (cabinetentertainment.com)
Online magazines
Pulps and covers
- Pulp Covers Lots of pulp covers, scans and downloads. Many Weird Tales
- Pulpville Press (Pulp Replicas) Lots of digest replica and some pulp replicas for sale. Print on demand.
- Weird Tales Magazine (luminist.org) Lots of Weird Tales Magazines
Scholar and fan sites
- Black Gate – Adventures in Fantasy Literature
- Conan Fandom – Conan Wiki
- Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein A website by scholar Bobby Derie, author of several REH-related books. Lots of great articles.
- Howard History A repository for the Robert E. Howard-related writings of Rob Roehm.
- Messages from Crom Messages from Crom
- On An Underwood No. 5 On An Underwood No. 5 - Robert E. Howard & Pulp Studies - a blog by Todd B. Vick.
- Robert-E-Howard electronic amateur press association Home page and index to member journals
- spraguedecampfan A blog about Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Conan the Barbarian…
- The Ultimate Conan Fan Blog A Conan fan blog - not updated since 2017.
- Up and Down these Mean Streats – Don Herron