By Barbara Barrett. Explore the poetry of Robert E. Howard with this index guide to his verse. The index can be used to locate specific names and places, even obscure words. It contains many categories such as ANIMALS, WEAPONS, TREES, and more so that these words and related subject words can be easily explored. For example, under the listing for ANIMAL are all of the animals mentioned in Howard’s verse, from APE to WOLF, and everything in between. Each word is followed by a list of the poems in which that word appears. The index also contains a list of themes like WANDERLUST and HISTORY for readers interested in a particular topic. The book was designed with THE COLLECTED POETRY OF ROBERT E. HOWARD in mind, but can be used with any of Howard’s verse collections. There’s even a page number guide keyed to the major collections to help locate the poems. All this and more are contained in The Wordbook.


  • v • Forword – using this index • (march 2009) • by Barbara Barrett
  • xiii • Notes
  • 1 • Words and Phrases Index • by Barbara Barrett
  • 315 • Themes Index • by Barbara Barrett
  • 347 • Appendix A: Page Number Reference for the Major REH Poetry Books


An Index Guide to the Poetry of REH by Barbara Barrett

Publisher:REH Foundation Press
Year :May 2009
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Hardcover with dust jacket | Trade paperback (6×9, perfect bound)
Pages :xiii plus 366
Cover :Jim Keegan
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The Wordbook

By Barbara Barrett. Explore the poetry of Robert E. Howard with this index guide to his verse. The index can be used to locate specific names and places, even obscure words. It contains many categories such as ANIMALS, WEAPONS, TREES, and more so that these words and related subject words can be easily explored. For example, under the listing for ANIMAL are all of the animals mentioned in Howard’s verse, from APE to WOLF, and everything in between. Each word is followed by a list of the poems in which that word appears. The index also contains a list of themes like WANDERLUST and HISTORY for readers interested in a particular topic. The book was designed with THE COLLECTED POETRY OF ROBERT E. HOWARD in mind, but can be used with any of Howard’s verse collections. There’s even a page number guide keyed to the major collections to help locate the poems. All this and more are contained in The Wordbook.

Tags: Barbara A. Barrett / Jim Keegan / Poems / Robert E. Howard