The Dark Man and Others is a posthumously-published anthology of fifteen short stories by American author Robert E. Howard, named after his short story “The Dark Man”, and covering the genres of adventure fiction, horror, historical fiction, fantasy, sword and sorcery, weird fiction and the weird West. It was first published in 1963 by Arkham House, and was edited by August Derleth.

Eleven of the stories had previously been published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales, and one each in Argosy, Oriental Stories and Strange Tales.


Year :Arkham House
Year :1963
Book No. :Arkham House Publishing #75
Edition :1st
Format :Hardcover with dust jacket
Pages :284
Cover :Frank Utpatel
Illustrations :None


Introduction by August Derleth

No statement of printing or edition.
Colophon states that 2000 copies were printed. Actual number is 2029 copies per S.T. Joshi’s Sixty Years of Arkham House.
Derleth Thirty Years of Arkham House: 71.
Joshi Sixty Years of Arkham House: 71.
Jaffery The Arkham House Companion: 75.
Nielsen Arkham House Books: 75.


The Dark Man and Others

The Dark Man and Others is a posthumously-published anthology of fifteen short stories by American author Robert E. Howard, named after his short story “The Dark Man”, and covering the genres of adventure fiction, horror, historical fiction, fantasy, sword and sorcery, weird fiction and the weird West. It was first published in 1963 by Arkham House, and was edited by August Derleth.

Eleven of the stories had previously been published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales, and one each in Argosy, Oriental Stories and Strange Tales.

Tags: August Derleth / Bran Mak Morn / James Allison / Robert E. Howard / Turlogh O'Brien