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This publication, prepared by John Bullard, presents for the first time two drafts of an early Robert E. Howard story. Both drafts, preserved in the Glenn Lord Collection, offer a unique glimpse into Howard’s creative process. Draft 1, incomplete, consists of pages 9–14, which correspond roughly to pages 9–16 of the complete 20-page Draft 2. A letter from editor Harry Bates suggests that Draft 2 may approximate—but is not identical to—the typescript Howard submitted. The chronology of these drafts within the story’s development remains unclear. (It is worth noting that a page 8 exists for Draft 1 but is not included in this publication.)

Published exclusively for Legacy Circle members, this limited release is not available for individual sale.


  •  fc • Cover art for People of the Dark by Bill Cavalier.
  •   v • “Introductory Notes” by John Bullard
  •   1 • “People of the Dark” (Draft 1, Incomplete) (typescript)
  •   7 • “People of the Dark” (Draft 2, Complete) (typescript)
  • 27 • Letter from Harry Bates to Robert E. Howard, October 29, 1931 (typescript)
  • 28 • Illustration by Bill Cavalier
  • 34 • “People of the Dark” (Published Version from STRANGE TALES, June 1932)


Publisher :The Robert E. Howard Foundation
Year :November 2024
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, saddle-stapled)
Pages :vi plus 42 plus front and back covers
Cover :Bill Cavalier
Illustration :Bill Cavalier


Prepared for publication by John Bullard
Not available for individual sale.
This was provided to Legacy Circle members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation.

The People of the Dark

This publication, prepared by John Bullard, presents for the first time two drafts of an early Robert E. Howard story. Also included is the finished and published story.

Tags: Robert E. Howard