“Sailor Costigan / Dorgan and the Jade Monkey” is a facsimile copy of a Howard typescript, written originally featuring Steve Costigan, but with the name changed to Dennis Dorgan by Howard’s agency.
“A South Sea Storm” is a facsimile of an incomplete handwritten story Howard wrote in high school.
“Stories Written Complete” is a facsimile of a Howard typescript that lists stories Howard submitted between April or May 1929 and December of that year.


  • 2 •  Letter from the Board (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter, Summer 2009) • essay by uncredited
  • 3 • Sailor Costigan / Dorgan and the Jade Monkey • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 18 • News & Events (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter, Summer 2009) • essay by Bill Cavalier and Paul Herman
  • 19 • What Became of the Ice House? • essay by Emily Harris
  • 20 • A South Sea Storm • (2007) • short fiction by Robert E. Howard
  • bc • Stories Written Complete • essay by Robert E. Howard
Publisher :The Robert E. Howard Foundation
Year :Summer 2009 (mailed June 2009)
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, saddle stapled)
Pages :24
Cover :Photos
Illustrations :None


Prepared for publication by Rob Roehm
Not available for individual sale. This newsletter was provided to Friends of REH and Legacy Circle members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation. It is a limited edition and all surplus copies will be destroyed at year’s end. 

Saddle stapled, wraps. Page numbers include covers.

The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v3 #2

“Sailor Costigan / Dorgan and the Jade Monkey” is a facsimile copy of a Howard typescript, written originally featuring Steve Costigan, but with the name changed to Dennis Dorgan by Howard’s agency.
“A South Sea Storm” is a facsimile of an incomplete handwritten story Howard wrote in high school.
“Stories Written Complete” is a facsimile of a Howard typescript that lists stories Howard submitted between April or May 1929 and December of that year.

Tags: Newsletter / Rob Roehm / Robert E. Howard