In “The Supreme Moment,” Robert E. Howard presents a dramatic and intense narrative centered on an aged, deformed scientist named Zan Uller, who possesses a critical scientific formula capable of saving the world from a devastating fungal plague. The story unfolds in a tense meeting where influential men attempt to persuade or coerce Uller into revealing his secret to combat the unstoppable spread of a destructive fungus.
The narrative begins in a room filled with powerful and wealthy men, all except for the central figure, Zan Uller, a scientist with a twisted body and profound intellect. These men are desperate for Uller’s unique knowledge to combat a catastrophic fungal growth that is consuming the planet, destroying both vegetation and animal life, and spreading over oceans.
As Uller recounts his harsh life story, he reveals the adversity he endured from a young age, including poverty, physical abuse, and professional sabotage. Despite these challenges, he became a preeminent scientist, particularly in the study of parasitic plants. His disdain for humanity grew from being ostracized and mocked by his peers and society, which scorned his early warnings about the dangers of fungi.
When confronted with the opportunity to sell or share his potentially world-saving formula, Uller expresses contempt and vindication. He has no desire to assist the society that brutalized him. The men threaten him with violence to extract the formula, but Uller holds firm, revealing that he has destroyed all physical evidence of the formula, keeping only the memory of it in his mind.
In the climax, Uller frames the moment as his ultimate revenge against a cruel world. He claims that the power to save humanity gives him a god-like status, offering him a chance for grand vengeance—not through withholding the formula, but by demonstrating his superiority over those who once demeaned him. However, instead of capitulating or suffering torture, Uller chooses to end his life, denying the formula to anyone, with a gunshot to the head as the men watch in horror.
- Zan Uller: The central character, a deformed and brilliant scientist who holds the secret formula capable of destroying a devastating fungal plague. His life’s hardships and triumphs shape his disdain for humanity and ultimate decision in the story.
- Unnamed Powerful Men: A group of five wealthy and influential figures who seek Uller’s help to save the world. They represent the desperation and entitlement of a society facing extinction.
- Unnamed First Speaker: Acts as the primary negotiator and spokesperson for the group, highlighting the urgency of the crisis and their willingness to use any means to obtain Uller’s formula.
Published in:
- CRYPT OF CTHULHU #25, Cryptic Publications, September 1984
- LA FLAMME DE LA VENGEANCE, NeO, April 1988 (French)
- THE NEW HOWARD READER #1, Marek, November 1998
- LES DIEUX DE BAL-SAGOTH, Bragelonne, March 2010 (French)
- ROBERT E. HOWARD FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER V4N1, Robert E. Howard Foundation, March 2010, typescript
- ZOTHIQUE 7, Dagon Press, April 2021 (Italian)
- I RACCONTI PERDUTI, Independently Published, June 2021 (Italian)
- ADVENTURES IN SCIENCE FANTASY, Ultimate Edition REH Foundation Press, October 2024