“A Twentieth Century Rip Van Winkle” is a narrative of William McGarthy, who leaves Texas to travel the world, only to find himself stranded on a cannibal island for twenty years. Upon his return, he discovers a drastically changed world, full of technological advances and geopolitical shifts that leave him bewildered and out of place.
Written when Howard attended Cross Plains High School. Date October 13, 1920. First published in The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval (Paradox Entertainment, March 2007).
The story begins with William McGarthy, a young Texan struck by wanderlust, who decides to sell his possessions to fund a global adventure. His journey starts with thorough explorations within the United States before setting off for Sydney, Australia. During a ship stop at Samoa, McGarthy ignores warnings about the dangerous locals and wanders into the forest. While he relaxes, unaware of the danger, his fellow passengers are attacked by head-hunters, and McGarthy is left behind.
Knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant, McGarthy awakes in a native hut, weak and disoriented but unbound. He receives food from a native who ominously hints at McGarthy being fattened for a cannibalistic feast. Realizing his peril, McGarthy manages to escape after a violent encounter with his captor. He flees into the jungle, pursued by head-hunters, and eventually finds refuge with a peaceful tribe of Malay descent, far from the coast and cannibals.
McGarthy spends twenty years with the tribe, attempting to return to the coast several times but always thwarted by the cannibals. His isolation ends with the sudden arrival of an airship, to which he desperately signals for rescue. The airship’s crew, transporting goods from Australia to England, informs him that it is now 1940 – he has been gone for two decades.
Returning to a radically transformed world, McGarthy learns of wars that have reshaped borders and politics, including conflicts involving America, England, Japan, and others. Technological advances such as personal flyers, electric cooking, and automated homes astonish him. When he finally reaches his sister’s home, he is reunited with family but continues to grapple with the new realities, including drastic changes like the prohibition of tobacco and coffee in the United States.
- William (Bill) McGarthy: Protagonist, a Texan who travels the world and ends up stranded on a cannibal island for twenty years.
- Ship Captain: Warns passengers about the dangers of Samoan natives.
- Native Guard: Initially watches over McGarthy in the native hut.
- Various Samoans: Including the cannibalistic head-hunters and the peaceful Malay-descended tribe.
- Airship Captain: Helps McGarthy return to civilization.
- Alice McGarthy: Bill’s sister, who lives in the significantly changed Texas.
- John Blake: An old acquaintance who helps Bill reconnect with his past and present.
- Emerson Gans: Mentioned as a friend who became President of the United States.
- Steve Burton: Mentioned as having died in a war.
- Alice’s Husband: Helps reintroduce Bill to the modern world.
Who was Rip Van Winkle?
Rip Van Winkle is a fictional character from the short story of the same name by Washington Irving, published in 1819 as part of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Rip is a villager living before the American Revolutionary War. He’s known for being kind and gentle but lazy when it comes to his own farmwork, much preferring to wander the mountains, tell stories, and play with the village children.
In the story, Rip goes into the mountains where he encounters strange men, drinks their liquor, and falls asleep. He awakens to find that 20 years have passed, during which the American Revolution has occurred. He returns to his village to discover that everything has changed: his wife has died, his children are grown, and he is now an old man. The tale explores themes of change, revolution, and the passage of time.
Published in:
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK OCH BREV I URVAL, Paradox Entertainment, March 2007
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK, Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, November 2007
- BACK TO SCHOOL, REH Foundation Press, December 2012