The third issue of REH: Lone Star Fictioneer. Contains ‘Guns of Khartum’ and ‘The Brazen Peacock’.


  • ifc •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (inside front cover) • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian [as by Stephen E. Fabian]
  • ibc •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (inside back cover) • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian [as by Stephen E. Fabian]
  • 1 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 • interior artwork by Arnie Fenner
  • 2 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (logo) • interior artwork by Tim A. Conrad and Larry Gaydos
  • 3 • Contributors (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • essay by uncredited
  • 4 • Editorial (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • essay by Byron L. Roark
  • 4 •  Editorial (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • interior artwork by Tim A. Conrad and Larry Gaydos
  • 5 • A Word from the Peanut Gallery (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • essay by Arnie Fenner [as by Arnold M. Fenner]
  • 6 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (Esau Cairn) • interior artwork by Alex Nino
  • 7 • Guns of Khartoum • short story by Robert E. Howard (variant of Guns of Khartum)
  • 7 •  Guns of Khartoum • interior artwork by Howard Chaykin
  • 18 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (Esau Cairn and Altha) • interior artwork by Steve Leialoha
  • 19 • Agonies and Ecstasies • essay by Arnie Fenner [as by Arnold M. Fenner]
  • 24 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (The Siege of Venarium) • interior artwork by Roy G. Krenkel
  • 25 •  Folio: Muriela • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 29 • The Sons of REH (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • essay by uncredited
  • 29 •  The Sons of REH (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3) • interior artwork by Tim A. Conrad and Larry Gaydos
  • 30 • Interview: Glenn Lord • interview of Glenn Lord • interview by uncredited
  • 39 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (Wulfhere the Slayer) • interior artwork by Craig Russell (Artist)
  • 40 • Vultures over Cross Plains • essay by Byron L. Roark
  • 45 •  Vultures over Cross Plains • interior artwork by Tim Kirk
  • 46 •  Wings in the Night! A Folio by Alan Weiss • interior artwork by Alan Weiss
  • 51 • The Brazen Peacock • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 51 •  The Brazen Peacock • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 61 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 62 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (“Now the two giants leaped again to the attack…”) • interior artwork by Walter Simonson
  • 63 •  REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3 (Salome from “A Witch Shall Be Born”) • interior artwork by Alex Nino


Publisher: Arnold M. Fenner
Editor: Byron L. Roark
Consulting Editor: Glenn Lord
“Guns of Khartoum” is illustrated by Howard Chaykin
The actual title of “Guns of Khartoum” is “Guns of Khartum”

Volume 1, number 3.
Saddle stapled, wraps. 

All artwork commissioned specifically for this issue, except that of Alex Nino and Alfred Alcala, which appears courtesy of Philippine Comic Archives.
Cover artist credited on title page, wraparound illustration titled “And Kane went mad”.
Inside covers artist credited on title page, illustrations are scenes from “Beyond the Black River” by REH.

Publisher:The Black Coast Press
Year :Fall 1975
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Magazine
Pages :62
Cover :Alan Weiss  (front and back)
Herb Arnold and Richard Corben (color)
Illustrations :See above
Cover art by Alan Weiss. 'Wings of the Night'

REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3

The very first issue of REH: Two-Gun Raconteur from 1976. Contains several articles by Damon Sasser, artwork by James Bozarth. Even an article about an astrological look at Howard.

In the mid-1970s, when the Robert E. Howard Boom was just beginning, REH: Two-Gun Raconteur was on the cutting edge of Howard Fandom. During those heady days there was a continuous stream of hardback books, paperbacks, magazines, comics, chapbooks, fanzines, art portfolios and one-shot publications all devoted to the gifted author and poet from Cross Plains, Texas. When the Boom eventually faded out in the late eighties, the fans and admirers of Robert E. Howard still carried the torch, waiting for a time when Howard would return and that time has come. While not on as grand a scale as the earlier boom, it is nonetheless a great time to be a Howard fan.

Tags: Alan Weiss / Alex Nino / Arnold M. Fenner / Byron L. Roark / Craig Russell / Howard Chaykin / Larry Gaydos / Robert E. Howard / Roy G. Krenkel / Stephen Fabian / Steve Leialoha / Tim Conrad / Tim Kirk / Walter Simonson