‘The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies’ is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of Robert E. Howard’s literary legacy as well as the literary historical and print culture contexts associated with it. The journal seeks to publish full-length articles, brief critical notes and commentaries, bibliographies, reviews of books, and other scholarship that treats Howard’s life, time, literary work, and associated topics such as Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, and the concept of a transhistorical pulp fiction aesthetic.


  • 4 • Editorial (The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies, June 2021) • essay by Jason Ray Carney
  • 6 • Scholarly Note: A Publication History of ‘Midnight Sun’ • essay by Luke E. Dodd
  • 20 • REH N-grams: A Study of Cultural Trends Related to Robert E. Howard • essay by Willard M. Oliver
  • 42 • Building a Universe: An Analysis of the Works, Lives, and Influences of the Lovecraft Circle • essay by Quinn Forskitt
  • 60 • Adapting Lovecraft to Video Games: What Is Lost, What Is Gained • essay by Jacob Lindner
  • 86 •   Review: Renegades and Rogues: The Life and Legacy of Robert E. Howard by Todd B. Vick • review by Rusty Burke
  • 102 • An Interview with Gary Hoppenstand, Editor of ‘Midnight Sun’ • interview of Gary Hoppenstand • interview by Luke E. Dodd


Editors: Jason Ray Carney and Nichole Emmelhainz-Carney
Volume 12, number 1.

Publisher :Independently Published
Year :June 2021
Book No.:ISBN-13: 9798543150245
ISSN: 1537-0496
Format :Periodical (perfect bound, 5.5 x 8.5)
Pages :114
Cover :Photo of the Robert E. Howard Home courtesy of Rusty Burke
Illustrations :None
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The Dark Man V12N1: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies

‘The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies’ is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of Robert E. Howard’s literary legacy as well as the literary historical and print culture contexts associated with it. The journal seeks to publish full-length articles, brief critical notes and commentaries, bibliographies, reviews of books, and other scholarship that treats Howard’s life, time, literary work, and associated topics such as Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, and the concept of a transhistorical pulp fiction aesthetic.

Tags: Jacob Lindner / Jason Ray Carney / Luke E. Dodd / Nicole Emmelhainz-Carney / Quinn Forskitt / Robert E. Howard / Rusty Burke / William M. Oliver