Edited by Mark Hall. The Dark Man V4N2.

The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of Robert E. Howard’s literary legacy as well as the literary historical and print culture contexts associated with it. The journal seeks to publish full-length articles, brief critical notes and commentaries, bibliographies, reviews of books, and other scholarship that treats Howard’s life, time, literary work, and associated topics such as Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, and the concept of a transhistorical pulp fiction aesthetic.


  • 1 • From Mark Hall’s Desk (The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies, June 2009) • essay by Mark Hall
  • 3 • On Editing Robert E. Howard • essay by Rusty Burke
  • 5 • On Steve Tompkins • essay by Charles Hoffman
  • 7 • Elements of Sadomasochism in the Fiction and Poetry of Robert E. Howard • essay by Charles Hoffman
  • 55 • Giant Intelligent Crabs, Oh My!: Haggard and Howard • essay by Robert M. McIlvaine
  • 62 •   Review: The Lost Land of Lemuria: Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories by Sumathi Ramaswamy • review by David R. Werner
  • 68 •   Review: Night Voices, Night Journeys by 朝松健? • review by Charles Allen Gramlich [as by Charles A. Gramlich]
  • 73 • An Honorable Retreat: Robert E. Howard As Escapist Writer • essay by Brian Murphy (I)


Editors: Charles Gramlich, Mark Hall, Jeffrey Kahan
Perfect bound, wraps. Page numbers do not include covers.
“Special Issue: Howard, the Pulps and Sexuality” noted on the cover.
Price from records of Secondary verifier.
ISSN: 1537-0496

Publisher :University of La Verne
Year :June 2009
Format :Periodical (perfect bound, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4)
Pages :92
Cover :Photo and signature of REH – Cover by Scotty Henderson
Illustrations :None
Howard Works ISFDB

The Dark Man V4N2 (#13): The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies

Edited by Mark Hall. The Dark Man V4N2.

The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of Robert E. Howard’s literary legacy as well as the literary historical and print culture contexts associated with it. The journal seeks to publish full-length articles, brief critical notes and commentaries, bibliographies, reviews of books, and other scholarship that treats Howard’s life, time, literary work, and associated topics such as Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, and the concept of a transhistorical pulp fiction aesthetic.

Tags: Brian Murphy / Charles Allen Gramlich / Charles Hoffman / David R. Werner / Jeffrey Kahan / Mark Hall / Robert E. Howard / Robert M. McIlvaine / Rusty Burke