Ultima Thule was Glenn Lord’s apazine in the short-lived The Hyperborean League. It collects all of Glenn Lord’s contributions to The Hyperborean League, even including one that did not include the Ultima Thule masthead.The Hyperborean League was an Amateur Press Association dedicated to serious discussion of the authors Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. The REH letters appeared in Ultima Thule #1.


  • 3 • Ultima Thule, Number 1, October 1975 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 3 •  Letter to Hugh G. Schonfield, June 15, 1933 • essay by Robert E. Howard
  • 4 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, January 9, 1934 • essay by Hugh G. Schonfield
  • 5 •  Letter to Managing Editor Denis Archer Publisher, May 20, 1934 • essay by Robert E. Howard
  • 7 • Ultima Thule, Numer 2, April 1976 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 9 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, April 26, 1928 • essay by Albert Boni
  • 10 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, September 13, 1928 • (1976) • essay by Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc.
  • 11 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, August 15, 1929 • (1976) • essay by Macfadden Publications, Inc.
  • 12 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, June 3, 1930 • (1976) • essay by Wayne Rogers [as by A. H. Bittner]
  • 13 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, October 29, 1931 • (1976) • essay by Harry Bates
  • 14 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, June 1, 1932 • (1976) • essay by John F. Byrne
  • 15 •  Letter to Viola Irene Cooper, March 1, 1935 • (1976) • essay by John F. Byrne
  • 16 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, January 9, 1936 • (1976) • essay by John F. Byrne
  • 17 • Ultima Thule, Number 3, July 1976 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 19 •  Letter to Oscar J. Friend, March 8, 1954 • (1976) • essay by P. M. Kuykendall
  • 20 •  Letter to Oscar J. Friend, March 23, 1954 • (1976) • essay by P. M. Kuykendall
  • 21 • Ultima Thule, Number 4, October 1976 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 27 • Ultima Thule, Number 5, July 1977 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 28 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, June 31, 1932 • essay by Farnsworth Wright
  • 29 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, November 16, 1933 • essay by Desmond Hall
  • 30 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, October 14, 1935 • essay by Leo Margulies
  • 31 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, November 15, 1935 • essay by Rogers Terrill
  • 32 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, January 6, 1936 • essay by Leo Margulies
  • 33 • The Last Celt: Addenda to the Bibliography • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 39 • Ultima Thule, Number 6, January 1978 • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 40 •  Letter to Robert E. Howard, April 10, 1931 • essay by John F. Byrne
  • 41 • The Last Celt: Addenda to the Bibliography [2] • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 45 • Robert E. Howard’s Library • essay by Glenn Lord
Publisher:Joe & Mona Marek
Year :October 2000
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Magazine size chapbook (saddle-stapled)
Pages :52 including covers
Cover :Rafael Kayanan
Illustrations :None



Saddle-stapled, wraps.
Ultima Thule was Glenn Lord’s apazine in “The Hyborian League” which later merged with REHupa in the 1970s. This publication contains all of Lord’s contributions.
15 copies were produced. Later (second printing) it was ‘print on demand’ from Lulu.com by Rob Roehm.


Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule

The seventh issue of ‘The “New” Howard Reader, from 2000. Filled with Howard content. Published by Joe & Mona Marek. Cover art by Steven R. Trout.

Tags: Bob Barger / Breckinridge Elkins / Byron Roark / Dave Gentzel / Glenn Lord / Joe Marek / Kevin Cook / Novalyne Price / Paul Herman / Robert E. Howard / Rusty Burke / Steve Trout