Contains THE HAUNTED MOUNTAIN, a tale about Breckinridge Elkins. Action Stories February 1935 Volume 12 Number 12.


  • 3 · The Death Rider · Tom Roan · nv
  • 25 · Tenderfoot · Walt Coburn · nv
    probably not the same as the story of a very similar name in the December 1946 issue of Street & Smith’s Western Story.
  • 40 · The Ranch of the Damned [Gip Drago] · Eugene Cunningham · nv
  • 78 · The Haunted Mountain [Breckenridge Elkins] · Robert E. Howard · ss
  • 86 · Outcasts of the Range [Midnight the Stallion] · Barry Scobee · ss
  • 94 · The Valley of Thieves · John Starr · ss
  • 103 · Adiosi · James P. Olsen · ss
  • 111 · Warriors of the Wild · Bart Cassidy · ss
  • 121 · World Adventurers · Martin Kane · cl


Edited by J. F. Byrne
Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Emery Clarke

Publisher :Fiction House, Inc
Year :February 1935
Replica by:Adventure House – February 2008
Format : 
Pages :128
Cover :Emery Clarke
Illustrations :Unknown

Action Stories February 1935

Contains THE HAUNTED MOUNTAIN, a tale about Breckinridge Elkins. Action Stories February 1935 Volume 12 Number 12.

Tags: Breckinridge Elkins / Emery Clarke / J. F. Byrne / John Starr / Martin Kane / Pulp / Robert E. Howard