Contains a letter that Howard wrote to Adventure. It was printed in the March 20th, 1924 issue. Volume 45, number 5. Probably written late 1923. The letter goes like this:

I am writing for information in regard to the tribes of Mongolia.
1. What is the Mongol word for “wolf”? For “tiger”? For “sword”?
2. Is the language used by the Mongols similar to that of the Tatars?
3. Do the Kirghiz inhabit Mongolia or Chinese Turkestan?
4. Are there any Baskir tribes in Chinese Turkestan, and are they allied to the Turkomans?
5. Am I right in supposing that swords or simitars still form an important part of a Mongol or Tatar warrior’s armament?
6. Do the Mongol or Tatar tribes worship Erlik, Bon or Buddha? Or all three?
7. Is it still customary for the tribes to meet at some place and engage in wrestling, horse-racing and other contests?
8. Is polygamy practiced?
9. What are the different forms of punishment by law and tribal custom?
10. What are the powers of the khan of a tribe?
11. About what is the population of Mongolia?

— Robert E. Howard, Cross Plains, Tex


  • “Slants on Life | Fruit-Tramps” by Bill Adams (article)
  • “A Stone Age Vendetta” by L. P. B. Armit
  • “The King of No Man’s Land” (Part 1 of 4) by Arthur O. Friel
  • “Blood and Fire” by L. Patrick Greene
  • “The Horse from the North Country” by R. E. Hamilton
  • “The Thumb” by Kingsley Moses
  • “A Frontier Robin Hood” by Michael J. Phillips (article)
  • “Porto Bello Gold” (Part 5 of 5) by Arthur D. Howden Smith
  • “Indian Tribes of Missouri” by Raymond W. Thorp (article)
  • “Seamen All” by John Webb
  • “Ointment-Pots” by Gordon Young
Howard Works


Ask Adventure
Camp-Fire Stations
The Camp-Fire
Lost Trails
Old Songs That Men Have Sung
The Trail Ahead
Various Practical Services Free to Any Reader


Editor: Arthur Sullivant Hoffman
Data from the Richard Bleiler Index (via Howard Works)

Publisher :The Ridgway Company
Year :March 20, 1924
Replica by: 
Format :Periodical (Pulp Magazine)
Pages :192
Cover :Frank C. Herbst
Illustrations :Bernard Westmacott


Adventure March 1924

Contains a letter that Howard wrote to Adventure. It was printed in the March 20th, 1924 issue. Volume 45, number 5. Probably written late 1923.

Tags: Bernard Westmacott / Frank C. Herbst / Pulp / Robert E. Howard