The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard reveals a side of Howard’s personality that readers of his fiction might not suspect existed. Full of humor, philosophical musings, travelogue, historical sketches, and opinions on contemporary politics and events – local, national, and international – Howard’s letters provide important insight into the life and times of one of the most influential pulp-era writers of the twentieth century.
This three-volume, limited-edition series collects all the known letters written by REH. The collection includes dozens of previously unpublished letters and hundreds of poems that made their initial appearance in these volumes. This three-volume set collects more than 350 letters, from the early ones to his Texas friends, most notably Tevis Clyde Smith, and continuing through correspondence with fellow writers Clark Ashton Smith, E. Hoffmann Price, and others. Also included are Howard’s letters to H. P. Lovecraft, which constitute one of the most intriguing correspondence cycles in the history of fantasy fiction.
This is the “Ultimate Edition” which just means that it’s printed on demand. Each volume is printed in hardback with a dust jacket. The cover design and artwork are by Mark Wheatley. The first edition can be seen here.
This third volume of a three-volume set collects the rest of all of Howard’s known correspondence.
- xi – Introduction by Rusty Burke
- xvii – First Edition Notes on the Text by Rob Roehm
- xiv – Second Edition Notes from the Editor by John Bullard
- xxi – List of First Edition Letter Numbers with Their New Second Edition Numbers
233 | To August Derleth, ca. January 1933 (“I was much interested in your accounts …”) |
234 | To August Derleth, ca. February 1933 (“After so long a time, I’m getting around …”) |
235 | To August Lenniger, Feb. 20, 1933 (“Here are the copies of ‘The Shadow Kingdom.’”) |
236 | To Donald Wandrei, ca. February 21, 1933 (“I’ve been intending to write …”) |
237 | To August Derleth, ca. March 1933 (“I should have told you …”) |
238 | To H.P. Lovecraft, March 6, 1933 (“I have just read your recent letter …”) |
239 | To August Lenniger, March 8, 1933 (“This is to inform you …”) |
240 | To Magic Carpet, ca. March 1933 (“Congratulations on the quality …”) |
241 | To Carl Jacobi, March 17, 1933 (“I am glad to write to Wright …”) |
242 | To August Derleth, ca. March (23?) 1933 (“I quite agree with you …”) |
243 | To Robert H. Barlow, ca. April 2, 1933 (“Here are some notes …”) |
244 | To H.P. Lovecraft, April 23, 1933 (“I’m enclosing some of the latest views …”) |
245 | To August Derleth, ca. May 1933 (“As a starter …”) |
246 | To Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. May 1933 (“I was in Brownwood Yesterday …”) |
247 | To The Claytons Magazines, June 13, 1933 (“A few weeks ago …”) |
248 | To Hugh G. Schonfield, June 15, 1933 (“As I promised …”) |
249 | To Fort Worth Bank, carbon, June 17,1933. (“I enclose deposit slips …”) |
250 | To Clark Ashton Smith, postmarked ca. June, 1933 (“I hardly Know …”) |
251 | To August Derleth, July 3, 1933 (“Please accept my belated Thanks …”) |
252a | To H.P. Lovecraft, early draft, ca. July 1933 (“You have frequently warned me …”) |
252b | To H.P. Lovecraft, later draft, ca. July 1933 (“The writer intimated that culture …”) |
252c | To H.P. Lovecraft, later draft, ca. July 1933 (“…without hope of monetary gain.”) |
252d | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1933 (“Glad we got the physical-mental …”) |
253 | To August Derleth, ca. July 1933 (“Thanks immensely for the opportunity …”) |
254 | To Clark Ashton Smith, ca. July 1933 (“I really must Apologize …”) |
255 | To Clark Ashton Smith, pm, July 22, 1933 (“I can hardly find words …”) |
256 | To August Derleth, ca. August 1933 (“Yes, I certainly did enjoy …”) |
257 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. August 1933 (“I am sending on to you …”) |
258 | To August Derleth, September 4, 1933 (“Glad you liked the rhyme …”) |
259 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. September or October 1933 (“I was very sorry to hear …”) |
260 | To Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. October 1933 (“The Galleon Press …”) |
261 | To August Derleth, ca. October 1933 (“Thanks very much …”) |
262 | To Clark Ashton Smith, ca. October 1933 (“Thanks very much …”) |
263 | To August Derleth, ca. October 1933 (“By all means use the hawk incident …”) |
264 | To Charles D. Hornig, November 1, 1933 (“Thanks for the copy …”) |
265 | To H.P. Lovecraft, November 3, 1933 (“Glad you liked the rattles.”) |
266 | To Charles D. Hornig, Nov. 10, 1933 (“Here is a short story …”) |
267 | To August Derleth, ca. November 1933 (“I enjoyed reading your …”) |
268 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. November 1933 (“I am so submerged in work …”) |
269 | To The Fantasy Fan, ca. Nov 1933 (“I find the Fantasy Fan very interesting …”) |
270 | To H.P. Lovecraft, December 3, 1933 (“Glad you found the cat article …”) |
271 | To August Derleth, ca. December 1933 (“I think Scribners was nuts …”) |
272 | To The Fantasy Fan, ca. late 1933 (“I liked the November issue …”) |
273 | To Clark Ashton Smith, postmarked, December 14, 1933 (“Only the fact …”) |
274 | To Clark Ashton Smith, postmarked, December 20, 1933. Christmas card. |
275 | To August Derleth, ca. December 1933 (“Hope you had a good Christmas.”) |
276 | To August Derleth, ca. January 1934 (“I note with sympathy …”) |
277a | To H.P. Lovecraft, draft, ca. Post January 10, 1934 (“… Consider them as servants …”) |
277b | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. January 1934 (“I enjoyed very much your account …”) |
278 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. January 1934 (“I deeply appreciate your sympathetic expressions …”) |
279 | To Clark Ashton Smith, ca. January 1934 (“Thanks again for the drawing …”) |
280 | To Clark Ashton Smith, ca. March 1934 (Possibly March 15, 1934) (“I am sorry to hear you have been indisposed …”) |
281 | To H.P. Lovecraft, March 24, 1934 (“Here’s a little item which might interest you …”) |
282 | To August Derleth, ca. late March 1934 (“Pardon this belated letter.”) |
283 | To The Fantasy Fan, ca. April 1934 (“Smith’s poem in the March issue …”) |
284 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. May 1934 (“Glad you’re having such a good time …”) |
285 | To Denis Archer, May 20, 1934 (“As you doubtless remember …”) |
286 | To R. Fowler Gafford, May 20, 1934 (“This answer to your last letter …”) |
287 | To Clark Ashton Smith, pm, May 21 1934 (“My delay in answering …”) |
288 | To Denis Archer, May 22, 1934 (“As you doubtless remember …”) |
289 | To August Derleth, May 30 1934 (“I have a feeling that I’ve been owing you a letter …”) |
290 | To Robert H. Barlow, June 1, 1934 (“Concerning the illustrations …”) |
291 | To August Derleth, ca. June 1934 (“Having completed several weeks of steady work …”). |
292 | To Unknown Recipient, June 13, 1934 (“Pressure of work …”) |
293 | To Robert H. Barlow, June 14, 1934 (“If I ever decide to dispose …”) |
294 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. June 1934 (“Glad you’re finding your stay in Florida …”) |
295 | To Robert H. Barlow, July 5, 1934 (“Here, at last, is the ms …”) |
296a | To H.P. Lovecraft, Draft, ca. July 1934 (“This whole debate rose from …”) |
296b | To H.P. Lovecraft, Draft, ca. July 1934 (“In regard to our debate …”) |
296c | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1934 (“I started writing this months ago.”) |
297 | To Carl Jacobi, ca. Summer 1934 (“Thank you for the kind comments …”) |
298 | To Charles D. Hornig, August 10, 1934 (“Glad you liked the verses.”) |
299 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. September 1934 (“Thanks very much for the post-cards.”) |
300 | To Novalyne Price, September 27, 1934 (“How about going to the show …”) |
301 | To August Derleth, ca. mid-October 1934 (“I haven’t yet gotten a copy …”) |
302 | To August Derleth, December 11, 1934 (“I recently found your letter …”) |
303 | To Emil Petaja, December 17, 1934 (“Thank you very much …”) |
304 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. December 1934 (“I read your account of your trip …”) |
305 | To Novalyne Price, ca. December 1934 (“Like my meal ticket, Conan …”) |
306 | To Alvin Earl Perry, ca. early 1935 (“The first character I ever created …”) |
307a | To H.P. Lovecraft, draft, ca. January 1935 (“… As for my alleged anti-human” tendencies …”) |
307b | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. January 1935 (“I have finally found time …”) |
308 | To August Derleth, ca. February 1935 (“I would have written you long ago …”) |
309 | To Emil Petaja, March 6, 1935 (“Glad the ms. proved satisfactory.”) |
310 | To Charles D. Hornig, May 3, 1935 (“I’m very sorry to learn …”) |
311 | To Farnsworth Wright, dated May 6, 1935 (“I always hate to write a letter like this …”) |
312 | To Otis Adelbert Kline, May 13, 1935 (“I’m writing this to ask …”) |
313 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. May 1935 (“The reason I haven’t answered …”) |
314 | To August Derleth, ca. June 1935 (“I reckon you’ve wondered …”) |
315 | To Novalyne Price, postmarked June 19, 1935; handwritten postcard (“The weather is good …”) |
316 | To Novalyne Price, postmarked June 20, 1935; handwritten postcard (“Cordially”) |
317 | To August Derleth, postmarked June 20, 1935; handwritten postcard (“This card …”) |
318 | To Novalyne Price, July 4, 1935 (“I take my typewriter in hand …”) |
319 | To August Derleth, July 4, 1935 (“Thanks very much for the article …”) |
320 | To Novalyne Price, July 9, 1935 (“Thank you for your invitation to call …”) |
321 | To H.P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1935 (“Thanks very much for the fine postcard views …”) |
322 | To Emil Petaja, July 23, 1935 (“Please believe my delay in answering …”) |
323 | To Clark Ashton Smith, July 23, 1935 (“I’m ashamed of my long delay …”) |
324 | To Emil Petaja, September 6, 1935 (“Yes, I did like ‘Witch’s Berceuse’ …”) |
325 | To H.P. Lovecraft, October 3, 1935 (“Here are some clippings …”) |
326 | To August Derleth, November 1, 1935 (“I should have written you …”) |
327 | To August Derleth, November 28, 1935 (“Thanks for the opportunity …”) |
328 | To H.P. Lovecraft, December 5, 1935 (“A rather belated reply …”) |
329 | To Robert H. Barlow, December 17, 1935 (“Thank you very much for the copy …”) |
330 | To August Lenniger, December 27, 1935 (“I have received your letter …”) |
331 | To American Fiction Guild Bulletin, ca. Late 1935 (“Robert E. Howard. Old Pioneer American stock …”) |
332 | To William Kofoed, January 8, 1935 (“Glad that Bloomfield can use …”) |
333 | To Otis Adelbert Kline, January 8, 1936 (“A belated Acknowledgment …”) |
334 | To Otis Adelbert Kline, January 13, 1936 (“Just read yours of the 11th.”) |
335 | To Otis Adelbert Kline, January 18, 1936 (“Just read your letter of the 15th.”) |
336 | To H.P. Lovecraft, February 11, 1936 (“Glad you enjoyed the dream write-up …”) |
337 | To Robert H. Barlow, ca. February 14, 1936 (“This is to express …”) |
338 | To Novalyne Price, February 14, 1936 (“I heard yesterday you had the mumps …”) |
339 | To E. Hoffmann Price, February 15, 1936 (“I’ve eventually found time …”) |
340 | To Novalyne Price, February 25, 1936 (“I’m sorry but I won’t be able to keep the date …”) |
341 | To Novalyne Price, March 5, 1936 (“I just now read the letter …”) |
342 | To P. Schuyler Miller, March 10, 1936 (“I feel indeed honored …”) |
343 | To Weird Tales, ca. April 1936 (“Enthusiasm impels me …”) |
344 | To August Derleth, April 15, 1936 (“Just a hurried line to let you know …”) |
345 | To E. Hoffmann Price, April 21, 1936 (“Glad you-all liked ‘She-Devil’.”) |
346 | To Jack Byrne, April 21, 1936, draft (“My agent, O.A. Kline …”) |
347 | To Frank Thurston Torbett, postmarked April 28, 1936 (“I’m sorry …”) |
348 | To Dime Sports Magazine, published June 1936. (“So many of you fans …”) |
349 | To August Derleth, May 9, 1936 (“I am indeed sorry to learn …”) |
350a | To H.P. Lovecraft, partial draft of May 13 letter (“I am indeed sorry to hear …”) |
350b | To H.P. Lovecraft, partial draft of May 13 letter (“I am indeed sorry to hear …”) |
351 | To Novalyne Price, May 27, 1936 (“You needn’t have bothered …”) |
352 | To The Californian Magazine, Summer 1936 (“Thank you very much …”) |
353 | To E. Hoffmann Price, June 3, 1936 (“Sorry to hear Pawang Ali …”) |
354 | To Frank Thurston Torbett, postcard, postmarked June 3, 1936 (“My mother is very low.”) |
355 | To Otto Binder, ca. post June 5, 1936 (“1/2 a cent is O.K. …”) |
Undated Material
356 | “Again glancing over your last letter …” |
357 | “The Seeker thrust …” |
358 | “Skulls Against the Dawn” |
Documents Enclosed with TCS Letters
359 | “The Adventurer’s Mistress” |
360 | “I’ve done my part in writing it.”. |
361 | “Poem penned by Akbar Ali . . .”. |
362 | “Crusade” |
363 | “Sang the King of Midian” |
364 | “Sang the King of Midian” |
365 | “Thoughts of an Afghan on a raid.” |
366 | “Relentless Reginald . . .” |
367 | Drawing of a strange cow |
Undated Letters to Unknown Recipients
368 | To Unknown Recipient, undated, unsent. (“I’m writing mainly to find out …”) – mentions the title Rogues in the Candlelight. |
369 | Undated (“Schlitz didn’t pay a penny …”) |
- 457 Appendix One: The Beast From the Abyss
- 465 Appendix Two: Newspaper Articles
- 471 Appendix Three: Newly Found Letters
370 | To Wilfred B. Talman, November 26, 1930 (“I highly appreciated your letter …”) |
371 | To Emil Petaja, February 15, 1936 (“I am ashamed …”) |
- 475 Appendix Four: Photographs
- 485 Howard’s Address Lists
- 489 Index
- 491 Editors’ Notes
- 493 General Index
- 541 List of Howard’s Correspondents
- 543 List of Howard’s Poetry and Plays
- 545 List of Drawings and Photographs
Publisher: | REH Foundation Press |
Year : | |
Book No. : | |
Edition : | 2nd edition, version 1 |
Format : | Hardcover with dust jacket (6.3 x 9.4 inches) Trade paperback (6 x 9 inches) |
Pages : | |
Cover : | Mark Wheatley |
Illustrations : | None |
- Edited by Rob Roehm & John Bullard
- Annotations by Rusty Burke
- Print on demand “Ultimate Edition”
The other volumes
The first editions