“Sons of Hate” is a gripping narrative penned by Robert E. Howard, delving deep into the dark and intricate world of crime, vengeance, and mystery. Set in a time when the shadows of past actions loom large over the present, Howard crafts a story centered around the complex interactions of characters entrenched in a world of detectives, mysterious millionaires, and hidden pasts. The narrative unfolds in an eerie, largely deserted office building, providing a backdrop that amplifies the suspense and danger.
Featuring the private detectives Butch Gorman and Brent Kirby. See also Hand of the Black Goddess which was the first story of this detective duo. Howard’s agent, Kline, received the story on March 10, 1934.
Cross Plains Library has an original draft of this story. Also look at Sons of Hate (partial synopsis).
The story begins with Butch Gorman and Brent Kirby, partners in a detective agency, discussing the perilous state of their office location. They anticipate the arrival of their client, Colonel John A. Pembroke, a mysterious and wealthy figure. As they prepare for the meeting, a violent incident below their office leads them to discover Pembroke attacked and barely conscious. Pembroke suspects someone from his hidden past is trying to kill him and hints at a long-standing vendetta against him.
As Kirby and Gorman delve deeper, they uncover elements of Pembroke’s past involving a treasure linked to an ancient Egyptian artifact, the “Necklace of Balkis,” rumored to have mystical properties. Pembroke, under the alias John Ravenby, had made many enemies during his time in Africa, involving himself with notorious figures and participating in the colonial exploitation of resources and people.
The narrative tension escalates when the detective duo decides to protect Pembroke, who is increasingly paranoid about being assassinated. Throughout the night, they fend off mysterious attackers and try to piece together Pembroke’s fragmented confessions about his past. The plot thickens with the arrival of Richard Stalbridge, a descendant of a man wronged by Pembroke, who also claims a right to the cursed treasure.
The climax is a violent confrontation in Pembroke’s mansion, involving all parties entangled in the deadly game for vengeance and redemption. The detectives struggle to protect their client as layers of betrayal and the true nature of the treasure come to light, culminating in a chaotic and bloody showdown.
- Butch Gorman: A rugged and experienced detective, known for his physical prowess and tactical thinking. He provides muscle and investigative skill to the detective duo.
- Brent Kirby: Gorman’s partner, more analytical and cautious, often the voice of reason in their operations.
- Colonel John A. Pembroke: Their client, a retired millionaire with a mysterious past that includes a hidden identity and a dangerous secret concerning an ancient treasure.
- Richard Stalbridge: An enigmatic figure seeking vengeance for his family’s misfortunes, which he believes are connected to Pembroke’s actions in the past.
- Constance Pembroke: Colonel Pembroke’s naive niece, unaware of her uncle’s nefarious past and caught in the dangerous events surrounding the treasure.
Published in:
- TWO-FISTED DETECTIVE STORIES, Cryptic Publications, May 1984
- LA MAIN DE LA DÉESSE NOIRE, NeO, March 1986 (French)
- LA MAIN DE LA DÉESSE NOIRE, Fleuve Noir, May 1993 (French)
- TALES OF WEIRD MENACE, REH Foundation Press, January 2011