The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press proudly presents Western Tales: The Ultimate Edition, an expanded 646-page collection of Robert E. Howard’s traditional and weird western stories, featuring rare fragments, revised texts, and previously unpublished material. Available in hardcover, softcover, and eBook formats, this definitive edition offers a thrilling journey into the untamed frontier through the imagination of one of America’s greatest pulp writers.
The intimate and insightful correspondences of Novalyne Price Ellis, offering a unique glimpse into her relationship with Robert E. Howard and her interactions with prominent pulp scholars. This collection, edited by Bobby Derie, is a heartfelt tribute that enriches our understanding of these literary figures.
A collection of original stories by Texas writers inspired by REH, written in his style, or featuring REH or his creations as characters. Limited edition anthology presented to each attendee of the 2006 World Fantasy Convention, hosted in 2006 by the Fandom Association of Central Texas (FACT). The Con celebrated the Robert E. Howard centennial. Anyone unable to attend the Con who purchased a supporting membership also received a copy of this book.
A unique collection of voices, an amazing range of fiction and verse, all inspired by the great fantasy and adventure writer, Robert E. Howard (1906-1936), and written by the members of the Robert E. Howard United Press Association!
Featuring stories and poems by Charles Gramlich, James Reasoner, Rob Roehm, Barbara Barrett, Robert Weinberg, Christopher Fulbright, Frank Coffman, Jimmy Cheung, Patrick R. Berger, Danny Street, Angeline Hawkes, Amy Kerr, Mark Finn, David A. Hardy, Chris Gruber, Gary Romeo, Morgan Holmes, and Don Herron, with an introduction by Rusty Burke. It’s a veritable Who’s Who of Howard Heads!
Dreams in the Fire: Stories and Poems Inspired by Robert E. Howard is a benefit book created by members past and present of the Robert E. Howard United Press Association (REHupa). Proceeds from the sale of this book go to Project Pride for their continued upkeep and promotion of the Robert E. Howard House.
REH: Two-Gun Raconteur #18 from 2015. Contains ‘The Cobra in the Dream’ by Howard, illustrated by Charles Fetherolf. A Worms of the Earth portfolio by Michael L. Peters and lots of articles and illustrations.
The REH Foundation Press is proud to present Western Tales, a collection of Robert E. Howard’s traditional and weird western stories. The book checks in at 550 pages, and was printed in hardback with dust jacket, in a limited first-print quantity of 200 copies, each individually numbered. Cover art by Tom Gianni and introduction by James Reasoner.
A 10-volume series published by Wildside Press that reprints all of Robert E. Howard’s stories that appeared in the classic pulp magazine Weird Tales. Edited by Paul Herman.
Dennis McHaney put together a book Anniversary: Glenn Lord and The Howard Collector that he published through Lulu last summer. He solicited and received tributes to Glenn from a number of Howard fans. This is a tribute to Glenn Lord from 2011, winner of Robert E. Howard Foundation Award. Subtitled “For the 50th Anniversary of The Howard Collector and the Eightieth Birthday of Glenn Lord”.
An earlier edition of 50 numbered copies, were signed by Glenn Lord and published in June 2011.
Features a complete textual and photographic report on the Howard-themed 2006 World Fantasy Convention in Austin, Texas, a new poem about Cormac FitzGeoffrey, letters, art, and more.
Features a detailed exploration of the creation of Howard’s first American hardcover, Skull-Face and Others, an article on some mindblowing authentic Howard book finds, an article about discovering a previously unknown Howard connection with a famous author, a trip report of Pulpcon 2006, letters, art, and more.
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