Search Results for: grisly horr

Moon of Zambebwei

In “Moon of Zambebwei,” Robert E. Howard unfolds a chilling narrative set in the eerie backwoods, where Bristol McGrath confronts a nightmarish world of cults and ancient horrors. Published for the first time in Weird Tales, February 1935.

Beyond the Black River

“Beyond the Black River” is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian. First published in Weird Tales magazine, May-June 1935. The story was republished in the collections King Conan (Gnome Press, 1953) and Conan the Warrior (Lancer Books, 1967). It has since been published a numerous times in many languages. It’s set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan’s battle against a savage tribe of Picts in the unsettled lands beyond the infamous Black River.

The Scarlet Citadel

“The Scarlet Citadel” is one of the original short stories starring the Conan the Cimmerian. First published in the January 1933 issue of Weird Tales magazine. In the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, a middle-aged Conan battles rival kingdoms. The wizard Tsotha-lanti ensnares King Conan, who escapes a dungeon with unexpected aid.

Kelly the Conjure-Man

In Howard’s following letter to Lovecraft, he responds to the latter’s suggestion that he make use of Kelly in his fiction; “Kelly the conjure-man was quite a character, but I fear I could not do justice to such a theme as you describe”. However, despite Howard’s reticence, Kelly did begin to find a way into his writing.