REH did three known drafts of his essay The Hyborian Age. These three were presented by the Robert E. Howard Foundation in a chapbook presented to the Legacy Circle members. Drafts A through C are from REH’s original typescripts, furnished by Glenn Lord, and sent to the REH Foundation by Patrice Louinet.
The third draft of “The Hyborian Age” offers an in-depth and richly detailed portrayal of the ebb and flow of various civilizations, tribes, and cultures within the legendary prehistoric world. The narrative begins after a great cataclysm and follows the rise, fall, and interaction of multiple races and kingdoms, each with unique traits and destinies. This world sees tribes clash, cultures rise and fall, and new powers emerge and dominate. The draft, though missing its first page, stands as a complex chronicle of the Hyborian Age, marked by its brutal conquests, the slow march of civilization, and a relentless cycle of war and migration.
Detailed summary
The text begins by describing the post-cataclysmic landscape, where various tribes and races, such as the Atlanteans, Picts, and Lemurians, inhabit a fractured world. In the wake of a second catastrophe, civilization resets as cultures like the Picts and Atlanteans regress into primal savagery. In contrast, the Lemurians, after a brutal rebellion against their masters, form the basis of a new society in Stygia, which carries remnants of older, pre-human culture.
The Hyborians, a growing northern tribe, are introduced. Descended from a great chieftain named Bori, they gradually migrate southward, forming kingdoms and encountering other tribes. Over time, they become the dominant force in the western world, establishing kingdoms like Hyperborea, Koth, and later, Aquilonia, each contributing to a developing Hyborian civilization. They war with and subjugate weaker tribes, absorbing and mixing with the bloodlines of conquered races, which leads to diverse Hyborian kingdoms with varied cultural traits.
Among the notable events, a Nemedian priest named Arus attempts to bring Mitra’s teachings to the barbaric Picts, hoping to civilize them. However, his well-meaning actions only lead the Picts to adapt Hyborian military practices without adopting Mitra’s peaceful doctrines. Under Gorm, a powerful Pictish chief, they rise as a formidable force, eventually destroying the Bossonian frontiers and challenging Aquilonian power.
As Hyborian civilization reaches its height, the western world splinters. Kingdoms such as Aquilonia pursue imperial ambitions, triggering constant conflicts, including with the Hyrkanians from the east, who also begin asserting dominance. Aquilonia’s strength begins to wane under repeated invasions and internal corruption. Meanwhile, Gorm and his Picts continue their campaigns, culminating in the near-complete obliteration of Aquilonia.
With the downfall of Aquilonia, the Hyborian kingdoms collapse into chaos. Savage Picts and relentless Hyrkanians partition the west and east, while isolated Cimmerians and the fierce Nordheimers resist subjugation. Nordic Aesir and Vanir clans further disrupt the region, while an ice age begins, triggering migrations that alter the global landscape.
In the aftermath, tribes like the Aesir establish themselves, while the remaining Picts and Hyrkanians retreat, later to reappear as historical groups such as Huns and Mongols. The draft closes with a transformation of the Hyborian Age world into recognizable ancient civilizations, influenced by remnants of these once-mighty tribes.
Characters and roles:
- Gorm – Pictish chief who, inspired by Hyborian technology and culture, unites the Pictish tribes and leads them to warfare and conquest, ultimately orchestrating the downfall of Aquilonia.
- Arus – A Nemedian priest who attempts to convert the Picts to the worship of Mitra. His teachings inadvertently empower them to become a greater threat through their adoption of ironworking.
- Bori – An ancestral chieftain remembered by the Hyborians as a hero who led them north, symbolizing their shared heritage and foundational legacy.
- The King of Aquilonia – Ambitious rulers whose policies of expansion weaken the kingdom by overextending it and arousing the resentment of conquered peoples and neighboring nations.
- Hialmar – Chief of the Aesir who eventually kills the aging Gorm, marking the end of the Pictish threat.
- Nemedians – Allies and sometimes rivals of Aquilonia, who eventually enlist Aesir warriors to repel both Hyrkanian and Pictish incursions.
- The Hyrkanian King of Turan – Hyrkanian leader who establishes a kingdom in the conquered lands of Zamora, marking the Hyrkanians’ dominance in the east.
- Various unnamed Hyborian rulers – Leaders who consolidate power in regions such as Hyperborea, Koth, and Brythunia, each representing stages in Hyborian cultural and political development.
See also:
Published in:
- THE HYBORIAN AGE, Robert E. Howard Foundation, June 2011