“Graveyard Rats” is an intriguing draft by Robert E. Howard that delves into themes of familial hatred, madness, and supernatural elements, set against the backdrop of an isolated, feud-ridden hill-country community. Missing its beginning and conclusion, the narrative centers around the dark and violent interactions among the Wilkinson brothers and the mysterious occurrences following a family tragedy. It is featuring Steve Harrison.
Despite its incomplete state, “Graveyard Rats” presents a rich tapestry of psychological horror intertwined with gothic elements, showcasing Howard’s ability to blend human emotions with broader themes of fate and supernatural intervention.
See “Graveyard Rats” for details on the complete and finished story.
The story opens with Saul Wilkinson, one of the Wilkinson brothers, alone in his room, terrified after the death of his brother John, who Joel Middleton killed due to an old feud. Saul hears noises and suspects Joel might be in the house to seek revenge. He arms himself and prepares for a confrontation, only to discover nothing but the intense fear that plagues him.
The next morning, Peter Wilkinson, another brother, and Steve Harrison, a detective, are drawn into the situation when Saul screams in terror after finding John’s severed head on the mantelpiece. The head appears mysteriously despite John being buried days earlier. This event drives Saul to madness, forcing Harrison and Peter to restrain him. The family suspects Joel Middleton is behind the gruesome act to further terrorize them, reinforcing their long-standing feud.
As the situation escalates, the house becomes a scene of chaos, with family members and neighbors trying to understand the horror while grappling with the implications of their longstanding hatreds and secrets. Richard Wilkinson, the youngest brother, reveals the deep-seated animosity and dysfunction within the family, suggesting that their own actions might be intertwined with the supernatural occurrences attributed to Middleton.
Harrison, the detective, decides to investigate the grave, suspecting that the head may have been taken from it. His discovery at the graveyard only deepens the mystery, as the grave appears undisturbed from below the surface, leading to more terrifying conclusions about the supernatural or someone’s elaborate manipulation.
The story intensifies with Harrison’s investigations leading to several confrontations and revelations about the family’s dark past and the real motivations behind the haunting events. The narrative weaves through a series of suspenseful and eerie encounters, each revealing layers of deceit, madness, and the curse that seems to loom over the Wilkinson family.
- Saul Wilkinson – Middle brother, first to encounter the supernatural element directly, which drives him to insanity.
- Peter Wilkinson – Older brother, seeks to solve the family crisis by hiring a detective, later becomes a central figure in the unfolding mystery.
- Richard Wilkinson – Youngest brother, skeptical and resentful of the other family members, provides critical insights into the family’s dark dynamics.
- John Wilkinson – Eldest brother whose murder sets off the series of eerie events, his head becomes a macabre symbol of the curse affecting the family.
- Steve Harrison – Detective hired to resolve the mystery, becomes deeply involved in unraveling the supernatural and human elements of the case.
- Joel Middleton – Family enemy suspected of exacerbating the family’s curse through violent acts, remains an elusive and menacing figure throughout the story.
Published in:
- STEVE HARRISON’S CASEBOOK, REH Foundation Press, January 2011
- TUTTE LE INDAGINI DI STEVE HARRISON, Elara, September 2020 (Italian)