
“Black John’s Vengeance” is a narrative steeped in mystery and danger, revolving around John O’Donnell’s quest for justice. Set against the backdrop of a shadowy Chinese merchant’s house, the story delves into espionage, betrayal, and the unyielding pursuit of retribution after the murder of John’s friend, Bill Lannon.

Alternative title and variant of: The Black Bear Bites. Considered part of the Cthulhu Mythos tales.


The story opens with John O’Donnell secretly observing the ominous house of Yotai Yun, a Chinese merchant suspected of illegal activities. John is motivated by the murder of his friend Bill Lannon, who had been investigating Yun and hinted at sinister dealings before his death. Lannon’s body was found in the Yangtze River, and John suspects that Yun’s house holds the answers to the murder.

John watches as various men enter a nearby dilapidated hut and disappear, suggesting a secret passage connected to Yun’s house. Determined, John follows one man into the hut, subdues the doorkeeper, and uses the secret tunnel to enter Yun’s house. Inside, he discovers an armory filled with weapons, indicating preparations for a major upheaval.

Venturing deeper, John overhears a meeting led by the mysterious Hooded Lama, preaching revolution against foreigners and promising a new empire under his dark cult. The attendees, a mix of criminals and influential locals, are swayed by his words. The meeting is interrupted by an informant reporting John’s presence, forcing him into hiding within the house.

John’s eavesdropping reveals the Lama’s true nature as a manipulative leader using the cult for personal gain. The story climaxes as John confronts Yun and the Lama, leading to a shootout. Despite being outnumbered and wounded, John’s resilience allows him to outsmart his enemies. The Chinese police, alerted by a surviving servant, arrive in time to help subdue the situation.

Eric Brand, previously a skeptical observer of John and Bill’s concerns, is revealed as the Hooded Lama, manipulating events for his own thrill and benefit. The revelation shocks everyone, especially since Brand had been masquerading as a follower of an ancient and powerful cult.


  • John O’Donnell (Black John): The protagonist seeking vengeance for his friend’s murder. He is determined, courageous, and driven by a strong sense of justice.
  • Bill Lannon: John’s friend, whose murder at the hands of Yotai Yun’s associates sparks the events of the story. His death is the catalyst for John’s quest.
  • Yotai Yun: A wealthy and influential merchant involved in illicit activities. His house serves as the central setting for the story’s conflict.
  • Eric Brand/The Hooded Lama: Initially a disinterested party, revealed to be the mastermind behind the revolutionary cult and the antagonist of the story. His true identity as a thrill-seeking manipulator is exposed at the climax.
  • Kang Yao: A police officer who arrives in time to assist John, providing a semblance of law and order to the story’s chaotic events.
  • Various criminals and officials: Attendees of the secret meeting, representing the diverse and complex societal elements susceptible to the Lama’s influence.

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