The “Daughters of Feud, Untitled Synopsis” offers a condensed version of the dramatic narrative set in a mountainous school community, focusing on Braxton Brent, a schoolmaster who confronts the challenges of maintaining discipline and authority. The story unfolds with Brent deciding to discipline Joan Kirby and Susannah Pritchard, two nineteen-year-old students caught fighting, in adherence to the harsh, outdated methods advised by Judge Harrison. Despite his reservations, Brent proceeds to whip Susannah but finds himself unable to do the same to Joan, leading to an unexpected and inappropriate encounter between them.
Later, Brent faces the wrath of Buck Kirby, Joan’s brother and a notorious feudist, who confronts him with a gun over the whipping incident. However, the situation escalates further when Brent is captured by the Pritchard family, who seek vengeance not for the whipping of Susannah, but because they believe Joan was spared. The conflict reaches its climax when Buck intervenes, saving Brent and Joan from the Pritchards, only to demand that Brent marry Joan – a resolution that aligns with Brent’s own desires despite the tumultuous events.
See also DAUGHTERS OF FEUD.and the first draft of the story.
This synopsis encapsulates a narrative rich in themes of authority, morality, community dynamics, and personal redemption, set against a backdrop of traditional customs and the fierce loyalties of mountain life.
- Braxton Brent: The new schoolmaster at a mountain-country school, struggling to assert his authority and navigate the complex social dynamics of his community.
- Joan Kirby: A nineteen-year-old student, defiant and insolent, who becomes the center of Brent’s disciplinary and personal dilemma.
- Susannah Pritchard: Another nineteen-year-old student, whose conflict with Joan leads to the unfolding of the story’s central events.
- Judge Harrison: The educated head of the board of trustees, who advises Brent on the necessity of harsh disciplinary measures.
- Buck Kirby: Joan’s brother, a wanted feudist, who confronts Brent over the treatment of his sister but ultimately forces him into marrying her.
- The Pritchards: A family seeking vengeance against Brent, not for whipping Susannah, but under the mistaken belief that Joan was spared, highlighting their own vendetta against Joan.
Published in:
- SPICY ADVENTURES, REH Foundation Press, September 2011
- SPICY ADVENTURES, Ultimate Edition, REH Foundation Press, August 2024