This unfinished story begins with a day in the life of the narrator, marked by a sense of unease and concern for a woman named June Allen. The narrative explores themes of anxiety and urgency as the narrator seeks to understand June’s distress.
UNTITLED STORY (The next day I was sluggish and inefficient in my work.). 300 words, incomplete.
The story starts with the narrator feeling sluggish and ineffective at work. When questioned by his manager, he dismisses it as not feeling well but expects to recover by the next day. Later, he decides to call June Allen at their usual meeting time of seven. Although June’s voice sounds normal, the narrator detects uneasiness and fear in her tone. Despite June’s initial reluctance, he insists on visiting her that night.
Upon arriving at her place and being invited in, the narrator finds June in the closet, explaining she was busy when he rang the bell. Emerging from the closet, June appears pale and disheveled, wearing a loose-fitting red dress. Her appearance and demeanor are significantly different from her usual self, heightening the narrator’s concern for her well-being.
- Narrator: An unnamed individual who works in an office and is a regular visitor to June Allen. He is perceptive and concerned about June’s well-being.
- June Allen: A woman who is evidently close to the narrator. She appears nervous and frightened during their phone conversation and looks uncharacteristically pale and disheveled when the narrator visits her.
- Manager: The office manager who notices the narrator’s inefficiency at work and inquires about his condition.
Published in:
- PICTURES IN THE FIRE, REH Foundation Press, June 2018