
UNTITLED STORY (As my dear public remembers . . .). From a letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. before 1930; probably late 1928, late 1929.

The story is about a struggling writer, Mike and his girl. They get into an arguement.

The opening of the letter/story goes like this:


As my dear public remembers, I was appointed not long ago, to interview the two young writers who collaborated on the book, To Hell With You! which caused so much uproar throughout the civilized world.

Arriving at their mansion, I was astounded. I was prepared for an Oriental palace but the reality surpassed anything I had ever dreamed of. The building stood on the shore of a large beautiful lake and was surrounded by a high steel fence. The huge gate looked formidable and above it were golden letters several feet high which announced, “Abandon Dope, All Ye Who Enter Here!”

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