
UNTITLED ARTICLE (I progress slowly in my classification of champions.)

The excerpt from The Right Hook #3 (June/July 1925) titled “The Great Munney Ring” provides a critical and satirical view on the wrestling world of the 1920s, specifically focusing on the controversial rise and fall of a wrestler named Munn. Munn is criticized for becoming a champion through rehearsed and staged matches, notably defeating Strangler Lewis in what is implied to be a pre-arranged outcome. Despite becoming champion, Munn’s legitimacy is questioned, and his decision to pursue vaudeville for financial gain rather than defending his title in the wrestling ring is mocked.

The text also compares Munn unfavorably to Dempsey, a boxer celebrated for his integrity and never participating in fixed matches. The organization that promoted Munn is portrayed as desperate for publicity and willing to compromise the sport’s integrity. The story also briefly touches on the societal attitudes towards athletes who participate in perceived indecent performances, with a critical eye on the hypocrisy of punishing performers while excusing the producers and promoters behind such events.


  • Munn: A wrestler criticized for gaining the championship through staged matches and lacking legitimate skill.
  • Strangler Lewis: A former wrestling champion who is suggested to have participated in the staging of his defeat to Munn for publicity.
  • Organization: An unnamed organization responsible for promoting Munn, implied to prioritize publicity over the sport’s integrity.
  • Jack Dempsey: Mentioned as a contrast to Munn, celebrated for his integrity and never participating in fixed matches.
  • Miscellaneous societal figures: Mentioned in context of punishing performers in indecent plays, criticized for their hypocrisy.

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