
“Two Against Tyre” is a thrilling adventure story by Robert E. Howard, written in the 1930s. Set in the ancient city of Tyre, it follows the perilous journey of two protagonists who find themselves amidst religious fervor, political intrigue, and desperate combat. The story captures Howard’s knack for creating vivid, action-packed narratives with rich historical settings. Featuring Eithriall the Gaul, one of the lesser-known characters created by Robert E. Howard. It was adapted by Marvel Comics into the Conan The Barbarian comics episode Two Against Turan, with major changes in the storyline.

Plot summary

The story begins in the bustling streets of Tyre, a city rich with the wealth of many lands. Amidst the diverse crowd, a striking figure stands out: Eithriall, a tall, yellow-haired barbarian from the north. His appearance and demeanor attract curious and hostile glances as he wanders through the city’s vibrant markets and luxurious quarters.

Eithriall’s curiosity leads him to a procession of wailing women mourning the death of Thammuz. Confused, he questions a loiterer about the deceased, only to be met with religious fervor and hostility. Misunderstandings escalate quickly, and Eithriall finds himself attacked by a frenzied mob. Despite his formidable strength, he is overwhelmed by their numbers.

In the midst of the chaos, Eithriall is rescued by Ormraxes, a tall, grey-eyed man who is also not a native of Tyre. Ormraxes leads him through winding alleys to an inn, where they drink wine and discuss their respective backgrounds. Ormraxes, a Mede, reveals a distant kinship with Eithriall, both descended from roving Aryan tribes. He explains the city’s religious festival, where the death and resurrection of Adonis-Thammuz are celebrated with wild abandon.

Eithriall learns that Ormraxes, also known as Khumri, is a hunted man. Their conversation is interrupted by soldiers sent to capture Ormraxes. A fierce battle ensues in the inn, with Eithriall and Ormraxes fighting side by side. Despite their efforts, they are eventually overwhelmed, and Eithriall is knocked unconscious.

Eithriall awakens in a cell, being tended by a man named Akuros, who reveals himself as a friend of Ormraxes. Akuros explains that Ormraxes has been taken to a dungeon and enlists Eithriall’s help to rescue him. Eithriall agrees, driven by a barbarian code of repaying life debts.

Guided by a servant of Akuros, Eithriall makes his way to the prison. He eliminates the outer guards, bribed to desert their posts, and stealthily enters the dungeon. He kills the Phoenician jailer and engages the Assyrian guards in a brutal fight, narrowly escaping death. After freeing Ormraxes from his chains, they escape the prison and make their way to a boat waiting at a hidden wharf.

Rowing across the bay, they reach the mainland, where Akuros and his men await them with horses. Akuros confirms the success of their plan, expressing gratitude and reaffirming a promise of future trade agreements. As dawn approaches, Eithriall and Ormraxes ride eastward, leaving the city of Tyre behind.


  • Eithriall the Gaul – A tall, yellow-haired barbarian from the north, skilled in combat and driven by a sense of honor and curiosity.
  • Ormraxes/Khumri – A Mede, descendant of roving Aryan tribes, who becomes a comrade-in-arms to Eithriall. He is being hunted and imprisoned in Tyre.
  • Akuros – A Phoenician noble or wealthy merchant, ally of Ormraxes, who orchestrates the rescue plan for Khumri.
  • Thammuz – A god whose death and resurrection are central to the city’s religious festival, causing the initial conflict for Eithriall.
  • Various Soldiers and Guards – Including the outer Philistine guards bribed by Akuros and the inner Assyrian guards who oppose Eithriall’s rescue mission.
  • Unnamed Loiterer – A Phoenician who becomes hostile when questioned by Eithriall about the procession and ultimately incites the mob against him.

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