“The Right Hook” is a gripping boxing tale that revolves around Steve Harmer, a boxer with a formidable punch but a fragile chin, leading to a series of defeats that make him contemplate retirement. His return home and a chance encounter with Gloria Murken, his old flame, draw him back into the ring for one final, dramatic bout with unexpected stakes.
The short story was presented to both Fight Story and Argosy, but didn’t sell.
The story is not only about the physical confrontation in the ring but also about personal redemption, the impact of choices on loved ones, and the fight against corruption. Harmer’s victory is as much about reclaiming his dignity and saving a young man from ruin as it is about the triumph in the boxing match.
Steve Harmer, once a promising heavyweight with a devastating right hook, faces a career decline due to his “paper jaw” – any hit to his chin results in a knockout. Despite his powerful punch, this weakness leads to multiple defeats, pushing him towards retirement. He returns to his Pacific Coast hometown, where he rekindles his relationship with Gloria Murken and learns of a fixed fight between Battling Rourke and Johnny Varelli, with heavy bets favoring Rourke.
Gloria reveals her brother has stolen money to bet on Varelli, unaware of the fix. Harmer devises a plan to save Gloria’s brother from ruin by ensuring Rourke’s defeat. He anonymously lures Varelli away on the fight night and takes his place in the ring, despite the crowd’s disdain for Harmer’s recent performances.
The fight against Rourke is brutal, with Harmer taking significant punishment but managing to stay in the fight. In a desperate final round, motivated by the thought of Gloria’s brother’s predicament and Gloria’s distress, Harmer lands his signature right hook on Rourke, winning the fight but injuring himself in the process.
- Steve Harmer: The protagonist, a former boxer known for his powerful right hook but weakened by a vulnerable chin. His love for Gloria and a sense of duty drive him to fight one last time.
- Gloria Murken: Steve’s love interest, whose brother’s reckless bet on a rigged fight propels Steve back into the ring to save her family from disgrace.
- Battling Rourke: Harmer’s opponent, a rugged and powerful boxer with a reputation for knockouts, expected to win the fixed fight against Varelli.
- Johnny Varelli: The boxer originally slated to fight Rourke, unknowingly part of a rigged match. He is incapacitated by Harmer to prevent him from participating.
- Solly the Rat: An individual who indirectly informs Harmer about the fixed fight, though he is not directly involved in the story’s action.
- Gloria’s brother: His reckless bet using stolen money is the catalyst for the story’s central conflict. His desperate act sets the stage for Harmer’s final bout.
Published in:
- POINGS D’ACIER, NeO, June 1989 (French)
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK OCH BREV I URVAL, Paradox Entertainment, March 2007
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK, Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, November 2007