Originally an El Borak story titled THREE-BLADED DOOM. It had a short (24.000 words) and a long (42.000 words) version.
The Flame Knife is a 1955 fantasy novella by American writers Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp, featuring Howard’s sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian. It was revised by de Camp from Howard’s original story, a then-unpublished oriental tale featuring Francis X. Gordon titled “Three-Bladed Doom”. De Camp changed the names of the characters, added the fantastic element, and recast the setting into Howard’s Hyborian Age. The story was first published in the hardbound collection Tales of Conan (Gnome Press, 1955), and subsequently appeared in the paperback collection Conan the Wanderer (Lancer Books, 1968), as part of which it has been translated into German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian. It was published itself in paperback book form by Ace Books in 1981, in an edition profusely illustrated by Esteban Maroto.
Plot summary:
Conan, leader of a band of Kozaki mercenaries in the service of King Kobad of Iranistan, quarrels with his employer over the king’s command to capture Balash, chief of the Kushafi nomads and Conan’s friend. Instead, Conan has his men warn the Kushafi. In the Gorge of Ghosts, the two armies are attacked by members of the Sons of Yezm, a cult of assassins whose symbol is the Flame Knife. The cultists kidnap Nanaia, Conan’s current girlfriend. The Cimmerian tracks them to their stronghold, where he becomes embroiled in a conflict with his old rival Olgerd Vladislav, an opponent first encountered in Howard’s story “A Witch Shall be Born”.
Published in:
- TALES OF CONAN, Gnome Press, 1955
- CONAN THE WANDERER, Lancer, 1968
- CONAN DER WANDERER, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1971 (German)
- コナンと焔の短剣 (KONAN TO HONŌ NO TANKEN), Sōgen Suiri Bunko, May 1972 (Japanese)
- 荒獅子コナン (ARAJISHI KONAN) (ROUGH LION CONAN), Hayakawa Bunko, October 1973 (Japanese)
- CONAN THE WANDERER, Sphere, 1974
- CONAN THE WANDERER, Prestige, 1977
- CONAN DE ZWERVER, Zwarte Beertjes, 1977 (Dutch)
- THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN VOLUME 1 NUMBER 31, Marvel Comics, July 1978 (graphic adaptation, Part 1 of 2)
- THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN VOLUME 1 NUMBER 32, Marvel Comics, August 1978 (graphic adaptation, Part 2 of 2)
- CONAN LO ZINGARO, Editrice Nord, January 1980 (Italian)
- THE FLAME KNIFE, Ace, July 1981
- CONAN LE VAGABOND, Jean-Claude Lattès, March 1982 (French)
- CONAN DER WANDERER, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, October 1982 (German)
- CONAN DER WANDERER, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1983 (German, 2nd edition)
- CONAN EN HET VLAMMENDE MES, W & L Boeken, 1983 (Dutch)
- CONAN EL VAGABUNDO, Ediciones Forum, 1983 (Spanish)
- CONAN LE VAGABOND, J’ai Lu, December 1985 (French)
- BARBAREN CONAN 5 FLAMMEKNIVEN, Interpresse, 1985 (Part 1, Danish)
- BARBAREN CONAN 6 YANAIDARS LIGÆDERE, Interpresse, 1985 (Part 2, Danish)
- KONAN: DEMONSKO OSTROVO, Niro Dečje Novine, 1985 (Part 1, Serbo-Croatian)
- KONAN: OPKOLJENI VUKOVI, Niro Dečje Novine, 1985 (Part 2, Serbo-Croatian)
- LA LEGGENDA DI CONAN IL CIMMERO, Editrice Nord, October 1989 (Italian)
- CONAN FÖRGÖRAREN, Target Games, 1989 (Swedish)
- CONAN LE VAGABOND, J’ai Lu, May 1990 (French, 2nd printing)
- THE CONAN CHRONICLES Volume 2, Orbit, September 1990
- CONAN OBIEŻYŚWIAT, Wydawnictwo PiK, 1991 (Polish)
- CONAN LE VAGABOND, J’ai Lu, January 1992 (French, 3rd printing)
- CONAN UND DER FALMMENDOLCH, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, September 1992 (German)
- CONAN L’AVVENTURIERO, Editrice Nord, November 1993 (Italian)
- A SAGA DI CONAN IL CIMMERO, Editrice Nord, 1994 (Italian)
- CONAN DER WANDERER, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, November 1995 (German)
- CONAN SNIKMORDERNES BY, Semic / Nordisk Forlag A/S, 1995 (Norwegian)
- CONAN: ESPADA & MAGIA VOLUME 5, Unicórnio Azul, 1996 (Portuguese)
- CONAN, Claude Lefrancq Editeur, October 1998 (French)
- КОНАН СКИТНИКА (KONAN SKITNIKA), Bard, 1998 (Bulgarian)
- CONAN LE VAGABOND, J’ai Lu, April 2002 (French, 4th printing)
- CONAN: PLAMENÝ NŮŹ, Klub Julese Vernea, 2008 (Czech)