“The Drifter” is an unfinished and incomplete story that introduces a mysterious wanderer named Attilla. Arriving unannounced at a trading post on the West African coast, Attilla becomes a figure of curiosity and speculation among the local traders. The narrative follows his interactions with the dissolute young trader Fairly and hints at the tensions and intrigues lurking in the region.
The story begins with a mysterious man named Attilla arriving at the Talera trading post on the West African coast. Attilla appears suddenly, seemingly materializing out of the morning fog. He doesn’t divulge much about himself, repelling brazen questions with an air of quiet authority. The local traders, including the seasoned Slade, are baffled by Attilla’s presence, as no one seems to know him despite his apparent familiarity with the Coast.
Attilla stays at the trading post as a guest of Fairly, a young trader who is drinking himself to death. Fairly, in a drunken stupor, confides in Attilla, sharing that he has been sent to this forsaken place by a woman he loved. Despite his state, Fairly appreciates Attilla’s quiet intelligence and company.
Fairly, who is a good-looking young man despite his dissipation, contrasts sharply with Attilla. Tall and lean, with inscrutable grey eyes and a lazy drawl, Attilla exudes an air of mystery and strength. The two men share a conversation on the veranda, with Fairly revealing his bitterness and Attilla listening attentively.
The narrative then shifts to a confrontation between Attilla and Fairly. They travel to a sand spit on the river to settle a dispute through a boxing match. Despite Fairly’s height and weight advantage, Attilla’s skill and precision in boxing quickly become evident. Attilla lands powerful blows, knocking Fairly out without receiving a single hit in return.
After the fight, Attilla warns Fairly to send a woman who is visiting him down the river immediately, hinting at impending trouble. Fairly, though startled, doesn’t question Attilla further. The story concludes with Attilla noticing a visitor at Fantsley’s place, a striking woman named Taluva, chieftainess of the up-river Jekra. Her presence hints at further complexities and tensions in the region.
- Attilla: The enigmatic drifter who arrives at the Talera trading post. Tall, lean, and inscrutable, Attilla is a skilled boxer with a mysterious past. His presence and actions drive the story’s tension.
- Fairly: A young trader at the Talera trading post who is drinking himself to death. He confides in Attilla about his past and participates in a boxing match with him.
- Slade: An experienced trader who has been on the West African coast for a long time. He is puzzled by Attilla’s sudden appearance and lack of known history.
- Taluva: The chieftainess of the up-river Jekra. She is young, handsome, and moves with a feline grace. Her interest in Fantsley adds to the story’s intrigue.
- Fantsley: Another trader in the region, who is found conversing with Taluva, indicating further potential conflict or alliances.
Published in:
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK OCH BREV I URVAL, Paradox Entertainment, March 2007
- THE LAST OF THE TRUNK, Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, November 2007
- SENTIMENT: AN OLIO OF RARER WORKS, REH Foundation Press, December 2009