
“The Bull Dog Breed” is a thrilling short story of resilience, camaraderie, and the unbreakable bond between a man and his dog. Set against the gritty backdrop of the South Seas, the story follows Sailor Steve Costigan, a member of the Sea Girl crew, and his loyal bulldog, Mike. The narrative begins with Costigan’s captain recounting a defeat at the hands of Tiger Valois, the heavyweight champion of the French navy, which ignites a fiery determination in Costigan to restore his captain’s honor.

It was originally published in the February 1930 issue of Fight Stories. Howard got $90 for this story. Alternative titles: ‘You got to kill a bulldog‘ published with the pseudonym Mark Adam.

“The Bull Dog Breed” is a compelling narrative of underdog triumph, showcasing the depth of the human-animal bond and the timeless appeal of overcoming adversity through sheer determination and loyalty.


The story’s core revolves around an impromptu boxing match between Costigan and Valois, orchestrated after a personal affront to Mike. Despite being outclassed in skill and speed, Costigan’s bulldog spirit, bolstered by the symbolic presence of Mike, drives him to persevere against the formidable Valois. The fight is not just a test of physical strength but becomes a battle of wills, with Costigan drawing deep from the well of persistence and grit that he and Mike share.

Howard masterfully portrays the fight scenes with vivid detail, making readers feel every punch and the sheer physicality of the bout. The camaraderie among the Sea Girl crew, who rally behind Costigan, adds a layer of warmth and solidarity to the narrative, culminating in a celebration of Costigan’s unlikely victory.


  • Steve Costigan: The main character, a sailor and the ship’s champion boxer until his departure.
  • Mike: Steve Costigan’s loyal bulldog, central to the story’s emotional and motivational arcs.
  • The Old Man: The captain of the Sea Girl. His actual name is not mentioned, but he plays a crucial role in the narrative, including the initial conflict with Mike and the eventual reconciliation and support for Costigan.
  • Tom Roche: A friend of Costigan and a former opponent turned ally, who supports Costigan during the boxing match.
  • Bill O’Brien: A member of the Sea Girl crew, mentioned as part of the group that comes to support Costigan during his fight.
  • Mushy Hansen: Another crew member of the Sea Girl, who, along with Bill O’Brien, is mentioned in the context of discussing the ship’s championship.
  • Olaf Larsen: Also a crew member of the Sea Girl, included in the group supporting Costigan.
  • Penrhyn: Identified as the first mate of the Sea Girl, part of the crew showing solidarity with Costigan.
  • Red O’Donnell: Another crew member, indicated as the second mate, who is among those rallying behind Costigan.
  • Tiger Valois: The antagonist, heavyweight champion of the French navy, known for his skill, speed, and arrogance.
  • Sea Girl: The merchantman ship Costigan is aboard, representing his crew and ship in the fight.

Alternate title


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