“Striped Shirts and Busted Hearts” is a humorous and spirited tale set in the Bear Creek region, featuring the large and somewhat naive protagonist, Breckinridge Elkins. The story revolves around Elkins’ romantic interest in Glory McGraw and the complications that arise due to misunderstandings, pride, and a colorful stranger named Snake River Wilkinson.
This short story was altered slightly to become chapter 1 of the novel, A Gent From Bear Creek.
Through a blend of humor, action, and rustic charm, Robert E. Howard crafts a lively and engaging story that showcases the complexities of life and love in the fictional Bear Creek community, all while highlighting the innocence and sheer physicality of Breckinridge Elkins.
The story
The narrative kicks off with Elkins engaging in a fight with Joel Braxton over a trivial matter, which leads to Elkins being slightly wounded. Despite this, Elkins proceeds to visit Glory McGraw, only to find himself entangled in a series of misunderstandings and confrontations. Glory, impressed by the flashy attire and mannerisms of Snake River Wilkinson, a visiting cowpuncher, decides impulsively that she will marry Wilkinson to prove a point to Elkins. This decision is made in the heat of the moment after Elkins unintentionally offends her.
Elkins, determined to prevent this marriage, confronts Wilkinson and Glory’s family, leading to a chaotic brawl. Despite his intentions to resolve the situation peacefully, or as peacefully as Elkins can manage, the confrontation escalates quickly. Elkins’ efforts culminate in a fight involving Glory’s father and brothers, during which Wilkinson decides that marrying into this tumultuous situation is not worth it.
The story concludes with Elkins, feeling rejected and humiliated, vowing to leave his life on Bear Creek behind to seek adventures elsewhere, thus proving to Glory and himself that he is indeed the best man in the Humbolts. Glory’s final rejection of Elkins, despite her actual feelings, is a result of stubborn pride and misunderstanding.
- Breckinridge Elkins: The protagonist, a physically imposing but naive and good-natured man with a deep affection for Glory McGraw. His efforts to win her over lead to a series of comedic misadventures.
- Glory McGraw: The object of Elkins’ affection, known for her beauty and strong will. She impulsively decides to marry Wilkinson to make Elkins jealous, but her plan backfires.
- Snake River Wilkinson: A well-dressed cowpuncher from the Wild River Country, whose flashy appearance and manners temporarily captivate Glory. His encounter with Elkins and the McGraw family convinces him to hastily leave Bear Creek.
- Joel Braxton: A local troublemaker whose fight with Elkins sets the story in motion.
- Jim Garfield: A friend of Elkins who warns him during his fight with Braxton.
- Old Man McGraw: Glory’s father, who sees Wilkinson’s proposal as a financial opportunity.
- Joe, Bill, and John McGraw: Glory’s brothers, who participate in the brawl against Elkins.
Published in:
- THE SUMMIT COUNTY JOURNAL, June 9, 16, 23, 30, 1967 (4 part serial)
- THE SUMMIT COUNTY JOURNAL, April 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10, 1968 (6 part serial)