
“A Boy, a Beehive, and a Chinaman” is a humorous short story set in a small town in California, revolving around the mischievous antics of a young boy named Tub and his elaborate prank on a local Chinese laundryman named Fe Chu Chong. This was a hand-written high school paper by Howard. Written on December 1st, 1920. The first page appears in ‘The Dark Barbarian‘.


The story takes place in a small town in California and centers on a boy named Chauncey Depew Applewhite, commonly known as “Tub” due to his fatness. Tub is known for his playful tricks and frequent mischiefs. One day, he decides to play a prank on Fe Chu Chong, a Chinese laundryman who owns a shop on the corner of a front street. Chong, who adheres to the traditional dress and customs of his country, regards Tub with suspicion.

Tub enters Chong’s shop carrying a cardboard box, claiming it contains collars that need laundering. When Chong opens the box, six large bullfrogs leap out, startling him and causing chaos. Enraged, Chong tries to catch the frogs but fails. Spotting Tub peering through the doorway, Chong throws a flat iron at him and gives chase, but Tub narrowly escapes with a black eye as a souvenir.

Determined to get even, Tub devises a plan involving his father’s beehives. One night, after everyone has gone to bed, Tub sneaks out to the apiary and wraps a hive in gunny sacks, securing it with cords. He places the hive on a wheelbarrow, covers it with a wagon sheet, and wheels it to Chong’s laundry early the next morning before anyone else is awake.

Tub waits for Chong to leave the shop for a moment, then quickly places the beehive inside, unbinding the cords but leaving the sacks on. As he prepares to leave, Chong returns, holding a bucket of water and recognizing Tub immediately. Chong confronts Tub, who threatens to pour ink over freshly washed clothes if Chong advances. Chong, however, notices the strange-looking box (the beehive) and gives it a mighty kick, causing the hive to crash to the ground and burst open.

A swarm of angry bees emerges, attacking both Tub and Chong. Chong, blinded and panicked, tries to escape but crashes into the wall and falls over the water bucket. Covered in bees, bruised, and drenched, Chong makes another desperate attempt to flee. Tub and Chong collide at the doorway and tumble into the street, wrestling and screaming. Tub breaks free and runs away, while Chong, invoking his gods, finally shakes off the bees and sneaks back into his room behind the laundry, where he spends the rest of the day nursing his wounds.

This disastrous encounter marks the last time Tub plays a prank on Chong.


  • Chauncey Depew “Tub” Applewhite: The mischievous protagonist, a fat, redheaded, and freckle-faced boy known for playing tricks on people in his town.
  • Fe Chu Chong: A Chinese laundryman who becomes the victim of Tub’s elaborate prank. He is traditional in his customs and dress and holds a deep suspicion toward Tub.

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