BLACK EONS is a story based on an unfinished and untitled fragment by Robert E. Howard. The fragment was posthumously completed and named by Robert M. Price, a writer known for his contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos and pulp fiction genres. This collaboration blends Howard’s original vision with Price’s expertise in cosmic horror, a genre epitomized by H.P. Lovecraft.
In “Black Eons,” we delve into the adventures of James Allison, a recurring character in Howard’s works. The story begins with Allison and his fellow archaeologist, Brill, unearthing an ancient temple in the Egyptian desert. Allison believes this temple hails from the Hyborian Age. That night, Allison is transported through a dream to a time when he was a warrior, ravaging the city where the temple stood and slaying its high priest, a devotee of the deity Gol-goroth. The priest’s dying curse condemns the warrior’s soul to an endless cycle of reincarnation, awaiting the priest’s revenge.
Upon awakening, Allison realizes he is within the tomb and is the reincarnation of the warrior. The story reaches a climax when Brill, possessed by the spirit of the high priest, attacks Allison. In a desperate struggle, Allison manages to vanquish Brill, destroy the priest’s desiccated body, and finally claim the inner peace that has eluded his tormented soul for millennia.
Alternate title:
Published in:
- FANTASY BOOK Volume 4 Number 2, Fantasy Book Enterprises, June 1985 (completed by Robert M. Price)
- THE NEW HOWARD READER #6, Marek, October 1999 (REH fragment)
- NAMELESS CULTS, Chaosium, December 2001 (completed by Robert M. Price)
- LA SAGA DI ROBERT HOWARD: CONAN CONTRO ERCOLE, TACCUINO 9, Yorick Fantasy Magazine, 2002 (Italian)
- LA SAGA DI ROBERT HOWARD: IL SEPOLCRO MISTERIOSO, TACCUINO 10, Yorick Fantasy Magazine, 2004 (Italian)
- BLASPHEMIES & REVELATIONS, Mythos Books, November 2008 (completed by Robert M. Price)
- CORMAC MAC ART ÉS A VIKINGEK, Delta Vision Kft., September 2012 (Hungarian, completed by Robert M. Price)
- CORMAC MAC ART ÉS A VIKINGEK, Delta Vision Kft., December 2012 (Hungarian, completed by Robert M. Price)
- BLASPHEMIES & REVELATIONS, Exham Priory, September 2019 (completed by Robert M. Price)