Fantasy Tales Summer 1987

Fantasy Tales Summer 1987, Volume 9, Number 17. This issue contains the poem “An Outworn Story”. Fantasy Tales was published by Stephen Jones from the Summer of 1977 to the Summer of 1987.

Fantasy Crossroads Special Edition #1

A fanzine or periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon. This special edition from January 1976 contains the poem VISIONS, the first apperance of the story FISTS OF THE REVOLUTION and MORE EVIDENCE OF THE INNATE DIVINITY OF A MAN. Also an interesting review by Harold Preece about L. Sprague de Camps “The Miscast Barbarian”.

Fantasy Crossroads #6

A fanzine or periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon from 1975. Issue 6 contains ‘The Gondarian Man’ by Howard. The poem ‘Hope Empty of Meaning’ and a letter to Harold Preece, circa February 1930 is also included along with articles and poems by other writers.

The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard

This massive volume, over 800 pages was printed in 2009. The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard from the REH Foundation. This volume collects all of Howard’s known verse (more than 700 poems), excluding only certain draft and/or variant versions of his poems which are not significantly different from published versions.

It also includes the prose poems published in Etchings in Ivory, title and first line indexes, and “Barbarian Bard: The Poetry of Robert E. Howard”.