Weird Tales 32 Unearthed Terrors

An anthology collecting 32 stories of horror and the macabre, one for each year of the magazines initial run. Storyies by Edmond Hamilton, H. Warner Munn, Robert E. Howard, Seabury Quinn, Jack Williamson, Richard Matheson, Frank Belknap Long, Clark Ashton Smith, Fritz Leiber, H.P. Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, and many, many more. Includes some of the illustrations from the pulp magazines.

Only Howard’s THE SHADOW KINGDOM is included from his stories.

Weird Tales #1

This collection of various stories is called Weird Tales #1 and was edited by Lin Carter, the first in his paperback revival of the classic fantasy and horror magazine Weird Tales. It is also numbered vol. 48, no. 1 (Spring 1981) in continuation of the numbering of the original magazine. The anthology was first published in paperback by American publisher Zebra Books in December 1980, and reprinted in 1983.

It contains SCARLET TEARS and the poem RED THUNDER by Robert E. Howard.

Sword & Fantasy #9

Features include a 6 page reprint of the Frank Frazetta comic strip “Diamonds & Pebbles” from HAPPY COMICS #33 (Sept. 1949) in black and white (a version of this issue with the strip in full color is also available but at a higher price in a separate listing). An art folio by Howard Pyle. An original 9 page sword & sorcery comic strip by Ron Wilber “The Accursed Wizards Land.” Articles on H.P. Lovecraft from 1950s fanzines. “On Science Fiction And The Weird” by Seabury Quinn from the fanzine THE TALISMAN (Summer, 1950), a 5 page Roy Krenkel folio and more.