
Untitled synopsis. “The Shadow in the Well” provides a glimpse into Robert E. Howard’s creative process through the synopsis of a draft for a pirate tale set in 1711 on an island along the Spanish Main. This outline sketches a narrative full of dark magic, hidden treasure, and pirate intrigue, emphasizing the supernatural elements Howard often explored.


This synopsis of a draft demonstrates Howard’s flair for blending historical adventure with elements of horror and the supernatural, offering a tantalizing preview of a potentially gripping tale.


  • The synopsis sets the scene on an island where a pirate ship is anchored, with the crew ashore and the newly appointed captain, John Groshawk, taking charge.
  • Steve, the captive, is bound to a tree but is rescued by Nell Brent, a woman pirate who has previously saved him. Her actions set the plot in motion against Groshawk’s orders.
  • Groshawk and select crew members venture into the island’s interior in search of a treasure left by a magical and sinister pirate from the past. Nell and Steve, after her rescue effort, follow a separate path which leads them to a dark temple with a mysterious well.
  • Inside the temple, they encounter various dangers and the rest of Groshawk’s crew. A monstrous entity emerges from the well, causing chaos and fear among the pirates.
  • The narrative climax occurs when Nell uses a torch to fend off the creature, allowing her and Steve to escape. This act leads to the pirates’ panicked retreat back to their ship, overwhelmed by the supernatural horrors they’ve encountered.
  • The crew hastily departs the island, haunted by their experiences, leaving the cursed treasure behind.


  • Steve – The captive whose life Nell saves, leading to his central role in the subsequent events.
  • John Groshawk – The authoritative pirate captain determined to uncover the island’s secrets and treasure.
  • Nell Brent – The defiant woman pirate who rescues Steve and challenges Groshawk’s plans.
  • Solomon Deas – A pirate who discovers Steve and Nell together but is killed by Steve.
  • Mike Bellafonte – Sent by Groshawk to fetch tools but ends up killed in a skirmish with Steve.
  • Other Pirates (Bill Deal, Juan the Butcher, Jeremy Fletcher, La Coste, Jem Worley, Peter Ord, Dick Bain, Ash Stark, and Joab Godfrey) – Comprise Groshawk’s crew involved in the search and ultimately victims of the entity.
  • The Monstrous Entity – Emerges from the well, terrorizing and killing many of Groshawk’s crew.

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