The untitled synopsis for “The Purple Heart of Erlik” by Robert E. Howard unfolds a dark and complex tale of desperation, cunning, and violence. Arline Ellis finds herself trapped between the malevolent intentions of Duke Tremayne and the dangerous and perverse Woon Yuen. Her plight leads her into a perilous situation, culminating in violence and betrayal. With the unexpected assistance of Wild Bill Clanton, she navigates through these threats in a bid for freedom and redemption.
Through its vivid characters and suspenseful plot, the synopsis sets the stage for a story rich in drama and action, exploring themes of power, greed, and the quest for redemption amidst the shadows of the underworld.
Summary of the synopsis
In the untitled synopsis for “The Purple Heart of Erlik,” Arline Ellis is coerced by the villainous Duke Tremayne into stealing a precious purple ruby from Woon Yuen, a Chinese antique merchant. Tremayne threatens to expose Arline for the self-defense killing of a Japanese official if she fails. To infiltrate Woon Yuen’s closely guarded inner chamber, Arline must impersonate Lady Elizabeth Willoughby, an heiress known for her passion for jade.
In the course of her mission, Arline encounters Wild Bill Clanton, an American sailor who shows interest in her. Despite Clanton’s advances, Arline proceeds to Woon Yuen’s shop, where she successfully drugs a man she believes to be Woon Yuen. However, it turns out she has drugged his decoy. The real Woon Yuen reveals himself, assaults Arline, and sends his men to follow her.
Distraught, Arline considers suicide but is stopped by Clanton, who convinces her to confide in him. Together, they confront Tremayne, but are interrupted by Woon Yuen, intent on killing Clanton. In a twist, Arline’s distraction allows Clanton to shoot Woon Yuen. To cover their escape, Clanton frames Tremayne for the murder, allowing a hatchet man to kill Tremayne in retaliation. Clanton and Arline then flee the scene.
- Arline Ellis: A woman blackmailed into stealing a ruby, under threat for a past act of self-defense.
- Duke Tremayne: A manipulative and threatening figure who coerces Arline into the theft.
- Woon Yuen: The Chinese antique merchant from whom Arline is supposed to steal the ruby. He uses a decoy to protect himself and assaults Arline when he discovers her true intentions.
- Lady Elizabeth Willoughby: The heiress whom Arline is impersonating to gain access to Woon Yuen’s inner chamber.
- Wild Bill Clanton: An American sailor who takes an interest in Arline and later helps her deal with her predicament.
- Woon Yuen’s decoy: A man made up to look like Woon Yuen, used to trick Arline and protect the real Woon Yuen.
- Woon Yuen’s men (hatchet man and boy): Sent to follow Arline and uncover the plot behind the ruby’s theft.
Published in:
- SPICY ADVENTURES, REH Foundation Press, September 2011
- SPICY ADVENTURES, Ultimate Edition, REH Foundation Press, August 2024