
UNTITLED STORY (So there I was.). 1100 words, incomplete.

“So There I Was” is an untitled and unfinished story by Robert E. Howard that embarks on a tale of maritime misadventure and survival. The narrative introduces a resourceful sailor who finds himself cast away in uncharted territory, armed only with his wits and unexpected provisions from a night of inebriation.


The narrative opens with the sailor recounting his predicament, finding himself alone on a makeshift raft after a drunken escapade aboard the Belle of Glasgow. He had been left in charge by Captain Angus MacKenzie, who had succumbed to his own vices. After drifting off course due to negligence and intoxication, the sailor awakens to the reality of being lost at sea.

He washes up on an unfamiliar island, a land teeming with fruit and devoid of any immediate danger from indigenous peoples or animals. Upon assessing his situation, he discovers a surprising inventory of items on his person: clothing, cartridges, firearms, alcohol, and a machete, but, to his dismay, no tobacco.

Equipped with these items, he evaluates his environment and climbs a tree for a better vantage point. The island is a peninsula, lush with fruit trees and seemingly uninhabited. A break in the tree line suggests a path leading toward the mainland. The story leaves off with the sailor in contemplation of his surroundings and his next course of action.


  • The Sailor (Unnamed) – The primary character and narrator of the story. He is a practical and experienced sailor who finds himself stranded on an unknown peninsula after a bout of heavy drinking. His skill set and the gear he accidentally gathered while intoxicated suggest he’s well-equipped to survive in this new environment.
  • Captain Angus MacKenzie – The captain of the Belle of Glasgow, mentioned in the story as having a penchant for alcohol. His drunkenness sets the stage for the sailor’s current predicament.
  • The Second Mate (Unnamed) – He is briefly mentioned as one of the two whites on board the Belle of Glasgow who, along with the narrator, consumed the captain’s stash of Scotch whiskey, contributing to their drift off course.

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