Them. Published in The Junto volume 1 number 6 by Booth Mooney, September 1928.
THE JUNTO was a literary travelogue circulated from member to member on its mailing list with each member adding some content.
Published in:
- THE JUNTO, VOLUME 1 Number 6, Booth Mooney, September 1928
- TRUMPET #7, Tom Reamy, May 1968 (as part of a collection of stories titled “Sketches”)
- THE NEW HOWARD READER #1, Marek, June 1998
- THE ROAD TO VELITRIUM #30, James Van Hise, April 1999 [Distributed in REHupa #156] (as part of a collection of stories titled “Sketches”)
- SENTIMENT: AN OLIO OF RARER WORKS, REH Foundation Press, December 2009