
“The Voice of Death”, featuring Steve Harrison, is a gripping tale that pulls readers into the unsettling world of Edward Willington, a man plagued by mysterious and sinister whispers urging him towards violence against his best friend, James Clanton. Robert E. Howard weaves a narrative filled with psychological suspense, where the boundaries between reality and madness blur, making it a must-read for fans of dark mysteries.

Howard’s agent, Kline, received the story on October 16, 1933. He never made a sale. Cross Plains Library has an original draft of this story.

Through “The Voice of Death,” Howard explores themes of psychological manipulation, the impact of technology on human behavior, and the moral dilemmas faced by those who uncover the dark secrets of others.


The story begins with a near-fatal car accident involving Edward Willington, who loses control of his vehicle and almost hits his friend, James Clanton. Detective Steve Harrison, who happens to witness the accident, intervenes to help. Despite Edward’s panicked claims that he was compelled to harm James, Harrison reassures him that it was just a mechanical failure.

As Harrison digs deeper, he learns that Edward has been tormented by voices whispering commands to kill James. This revelation comes amidst Edward’s growing paranoia and fear that he is descending into madness. Harrison, sensing something sinister at play, decides to investigate further.

To uncover the truth, Harrison stays overnight in Edward’s room, where they both hear the eerie voice commanding Edward to kill James. Harrison’s investigation leads him through the house, checking for any signs of intruders or mechanical devices that could be causing the whispers.

The plot thickens when Harrison discovers a sophisticated setup involving a phonograph and electrical wiring hidden in a drawer in Edward’s room. This setup was orchestrated by Edward’s guardian, Abner Jeppard, who was using it to manipulate Edward into committing murder to gain access to his inheritance.

In a dramatic confrontation, Jeppard confesses to the setup, driven by financial desperation. However, he mistakenly believes that Edward has already killed James and is devastated. The story reaches its climax when James Clanton appears, causing Jeppard to suffer a fatal heart attack from the shock, under the belief that James is a ghost.

In the end, Harrison reveals to James that he had been keeping Edward safe in a hotel, and the confession was obtained through a strategic lie about the murder. The story concludes with Harrison reflecting on the complex moral implications of his actions.


  • Edward Willington: A young man tormented by voices urging him to commit murder.
  • James Clanton: Edward’s best friend, who is the target of the sinister plot.
  • Steve Harrison: The detective who uncovers the truth behind the mysterious voices.
  • Abner Jeppard: Edward’s guardian, who sets up the elaborate scheme to drive Edward mad to gain access to his inheritance. His actions ultimately lead to his own death.

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