“The Sheik” is a short, humorous story written by Robert E. Howard during his high school years. Published in the Brownwood High School newspaper, The Tattler, this work parodies popular desert romance novels of the time. The story follows the adventures of Venus Herring, an audacious and resourceful heroine, as she navigates capture by the flamboyant and exaggeratedly villainous Sheik Ahmed. Through a series of comical and absurd encounters, Howard showcases his talent for satire and playful storytelling.
Chapter 1: In the opening scene, Venus Herring is fleeing across the desert on a burro, pursued by a tall, handsome Arab on a magnificent mule. Despite her attempts to fend off her pursuer with an elephant gun, she misses her shots. The Arab, wearing a high silk “stove-pipe” hat, easily overpowers her, knocking her unconscious and taking her captive.
Chapter 2: Venus finds herself in the Sheik’s tent, where her captor, who introduces himself as Sheik Ahmed ben Ahmed ben Whoopitup, declares his love for her. His method of courtship involves dragging her around the tent by her hair and assaulting her. Despite his violent approach, Venus resists, defiantly throwing objects at him.
Chapter 3: Weeks pass with Venus held captive in the Sheik’s village. Bored and frustrated, she observes the Sheik and his men playing various games outside. When she steps out of the tent, the Sheik scolds her for risking her complexion. His violent temper flares again as he orders her back inside, throwing a saddle at her.
Chapter 4: The Sheik muses aloud with literary puns before entering the tent in high spirits after winning games against Gaston, a Frenchman, and the Sultan of Turkey. However, his mood sours when he sees Venus, declaring he will send her back to England. A confrontation ensues, escalating into a comical boxing match refereed by Gaston. Venus ultimately triumphs, earning the championship belt of the Sahara Desert. Despite their tumultuous relationship, the story ends with Venus commanding the Sheik to be a “nice girl” and declaring him her “Desert Lover.”
- Venus Herring: The protagonist, a resourceful and feisty woman who is captured by the Sheik but ultimately triumphs over him.
- Sheik Ahmed ben Ahmed ben Whoopitup: The antagonist, a comically exaggerated villain who captures Venus and attempts to woo her through violence and force.
- Gaston: A Frenchman and the Sheik’s companion, who serves as the referee during the boxing match between Venus and the Sheik.
Published in:
- THE TATTLER Volume 5 Number 12, Brownwood High School, March, 1923
- THE NEW HOWARD READER #7, Marek, Spring 2000
- WEST IS WEST & OTHERS, Roehm & Runions, February 2006
- WEST IS WEST & OTHERS, Roehm’s Room Press, April 2007
- SENTIMENT: AN OLIO OF RARER WORKS, REH Foundation Press, December 2009
- SCHOOL DAYS IN THE POST OAKS, REH Foundation Press, May 2011
- THE SHEIK, Nuelow Games, October 2012
- ROBERT E. HOWARD’S COLLECTED WORKS, Jame-Books, February 2013
- FRÜHE KURZGESCHICHTEN, Thorsten ReiB Verlag, 2014 (German)