
Swords of the Northern Sea. Unpublished during Howard’s lifetime. This is one of a handful of short stories Howard wrote about yet another in his large clan of ferocious Irish warriors. Cormac Mac Art is an outlawed Gael, a pirate, and a Reiver. He is very similar to Turlogh O’Brien.

The story

“Swords of the Northern Sea” tells a vivid tale of Viking conquests and the struggle for power within the Northern nations after the fall of Rome. The story opens with a raucous scene of revelry in the hall of Rognor the Red, a formidable Viking chieftain and the scourge of the Narrow Seas. His gaze falls on Cormac Mac Art, a dark-haired Gael who stands out among the blond Norsemen. Cormac, introduced as a chief of a band of reavers, has proven his prowess in combat and earned a place at Rognor’s side.

Amidst the feasting, Hakon, a young Viking and close ally to Rognor, returns from a wolf hunt and exchanges curious looks with Cormac. Rognor reveals his plans to take a British maiden, Tarala, as his wife, a decision that sets the stage for conflict.

The story unfolds with a mix of deception, combat, and the struggle for power. Tarala’s fiery spirit and defiance against Rognor, combined with Hakon’s hidden affection for her, lead to a dramatic turn of events involving a dwarf named Anzace and a betrayal that sparks a violent confrontation.

Cormac, revealing himself as Cormac the Wolf, allies with Hakon and the fierce Wulfhere, who is Rognor’s greatest enemy. Through a clever ruse involving a prison break, the incitement of chaos, and a burning hut, Cormac and his allies orchestrate a revolt against Rognor.

A spectacular battle ensues, with Rognor and Wulfhere engaging in a titanic duel that ends with Rognor’s demise. Wulfhere is seriously injured but survives, thanks to Cormac’s intervention. The battle results in Hakon gaining control of the island, the loyalty of the remaining Vikings, and Tarala’s hand in marriage, with the promise of support from her British kin.

The story concludes with Cormac and Wulfhere departing on a long-ship for further adventures, leaving Hakon and Tarala to rule and unite the Norsemen and Britons for future conquests.


  • Rognor the Red: The powerful and ruthless Viking leader, seeking to solidify his legacy through marriage and conquest.
  • Cormac Mac Art (Cormac the Wolf): A cunning Gaelic warrior who infiltrates Rognor’s hall and allies with his enemies for mutual benefit.
  • Hakon: A young Viking warrior, secretly in love with Tarala, whose betrayal of Rognor is key to the revolt.
  • Tarala: The brave British maiden, whose spirit and resilience inspire loyalty and lead to her becoming Hakon’s wife and a pivotal figure in the new alliance.
  • Anzace: The twisted dwarf whose machinations expose Hakon’s secret and ignite the initial conflict.
  • Wulfhere: A mighty Dane, Rognor’s arch-enemy, who joins forces with Cormac to defeat Rognor and gains a ship for his own purposes.

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