
An early draft of “Ship in Mutiny”. The story was never published when Howard lived. “Ship in Mutiny” is another testament to Robert E. Howard’s ability to weave thrilling tales of adventure, marked by vivid characters, high stakes, and the relentless pursuit of justice on the untamed seas.

See also information about the final story, “Ship in Mutiny”, and the “untitled synopsis“.

In assessing Robert E. Howard’s legacy, particularly his contributions to Spicy pulp magazines, it’s vital to recognize that these narratives were tailored to the expectations of a specific genre and its audience. These stories, often featuring damsels in distress and sensational plots, were a product of their time and market demands. However, they represent only one aspect of Howard’s diverse literary range.

Howard’s broader body of work includes a remarkable array of strong female characters who defy the stereotypes typically associated with women in early 20th-century literature. These characters, ranging from fierce warriors to cunning leaders, showcase Howard’s progressive approach to character development. His ability to craft female figures with agency and complexity reflects a nuanced understanding of strength and resilience, transcending the limitations of the Spicy pulp genre.

Understanding Howard’s contributions to literature requires looking beyond the Spicy stories and recognizing the depth and diversity of his character portrayals. His work, when viewed in its entirety, reveals a versatile storyteller capable of exploring themes of power and independence through a variety of lenses, challenging conventional gender roles of his time.

Summary of the story

“Ship in Mutiny” is a vibrant tale of adventure and betrayal on the high seas, with a plot revolving around a violent mutiny aboard the Lazy Lass. The story unfolds with Big Joe Croghan, the mutiny’s ringleader, initiating the rebellion by attacking the mate with a handspike. The mutineers’ plan quickly faces a hitch when Raquel O’Shane, witnessing their deed, alerts Wild Bill Clanton, the ship’s formidable captain known for his iron-fisted control.

As the mutiny escalates under a moonlit South Sea night, the crew finds their loyalty and courage tested against Clanton’s wrath. The captain, upon hearing Raquel’s alarm, engages the mutineers in a fierce battle, demonstrating his unmatched prowess in combat. However, despite his efforts, Clanton is temporarily overpowered and presumed dead after a blow to the head sends him overboard.

Parallel to the mutiny’s chaos, Raquel faces her peril, being captured and intended for execution by the mutineers. Her quick thinking and survival instincts lead her into the water, away from immediate danger but towards new challenges on the island’s shore, where she encounters a group of Polynesians. Claiming to be a goddess to ensure her safety, Raquel navigates the complexities of the island’s hierarchy, only to find herself in the clutches of Tanoa, a cruel leader with European education, who sees through her ruse.

The narrative shifts as Clanton, having survived his fall, embarks on a mission to reclaim control of the Lazy Lass and rescue Raquel. With the aid of Lailu, a dispossessed queen, and the backdrop of an ongoing attack on the ship by the islanders, Clanton confronts Tanoa in a climactic battle that ends with the tyrant’s death. This victory not only secures Raquel’s safety but also restores Lailu’s authority over her people.

In the end, Clanton’s leadership and strategic prowess turn the tide against the mutineers, convincing them to accept his command once again. The story concludes with the ship’s crew acknowledging Clanton’s authority, ensuring their survival and the continuation of their voyage.


  • Big Joe Croghan: The mutiny’s ringleader, responsible for initiating the rebellion against the ship’s authority.
  • Raquel O’Shane: A resilient and quick-witted woman, whose loyalty to Clanton plays a pivotal role in alerting him to the mutiny.
  • Wild Bill Clanton: The ship’s captain, renowned for his fearsome reputation and combat skills, who fights to quell the mutiny and protect Raquel.
  • The Spaniard: A scar-faced mutineer, tasked with capturing Raquel but ultimately defeated by her tenacity.
  • Tanoa: A powerful and cruel leader on the island, who poses a significant threat to Raquel and Clanton.
  • Lailu: The island’s rightful queen, displaced by Tanoa, who aids Clanton in his quest to retake the ship and regain her throne.
  • The Mutineers: The crew members who partake in the rebellion, driven by greed and a desire for control, but eventually subdued by Clanton’s leader

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