“Etched in Ebony” is an intense and visceral narrative that explores the raw, primal interactions between a man and a woman. In its first appearance, it was part of a bundle of works titled “Sketches“, published in The Junto. The story delves into themes of violence, passion, and racial dynamics, presenting a stark contrast between white and black women through the eyes of the protagonist.
The story opens with a violent encounter between the narrator and a woman. The woman’s fingers claw at the narrator’s face, leading him to strike her and subdue her with a blow. Despite the physical confrontation, the woman reacts with a mixture of laughter and a primal cry. The narrator grabs her throat, and she responds by wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight grip. Amidst the physical struggle, she taunts him, asking if he prefers her to any white woman he has known. The narrator is overwhelmed by a surge of primal emotions, described as a response to her fiery spirit. He repeatedly strikes her, but her reaction is one of knowing laughter, which heightens the tension and intensity of the moment. The narrative concludes with the narrator’s reflection on the differences between white and black women, comparing the former to marble and ice, and the latter to supple steel and blasting fire.
- Narrator: The protagonist who describes the violent and passionate encounter with the woman.
- Unnamed Woman: A fierce and fiery woman who engages in a physical struggle with the narrator, symbolizing primal strength and passion.
Published in:
- THE JUNTO, VOLUME 2 NUMBER 4, Lenore Preece, September 1929 (as part of a collection of stories titled “Sketches”)
- TRUMPET #7, Tom Reamy, May 1968 (as part of a collection of stories titled “Sketches”)
- THE NEW HOWARD READER #3, Marek, November 1998
- THE ROAD TO VELITRIUM #30, James Van Hise, April 1999 (as part of a collection of stories titled “Sketches”) [Distributed in REHupa #156]
- PICTURES IN THE FIRE, REH Foundation Press, June 2018