
“By the Law of the Shark” is a rollicking adventure story set in the South Seas, specifically on the notorious island of Barricuda, a den of iniquity and the backdrop for a tale of fists, honor, and a daring quest for freedom. The protagonist, Steve Costigan, a sailor aboard the merchant ship Sea Girl and a formidable boxer, finds himself stranded in Barricuda after a night of inadvertent revelry.

Through a blend of action, humor, and heart, “By the Law of the Shark” tells a story of adventure, the quest for freedom, and the unbreakable bond between a man and the sea.


Upon awakening, he encounters a distressed French dancer named Diane, who reveals herself to be trapped on the island by the feared Shark Murken, a man of power, a former fighter turned smuggler and tyrant, who wishes to marry her against her will.

Driven by a combination of chivalry and attraction, Costigan agrees to a perilous bargain: he will fight Shark Murken in a boxing match for Diane’s freedom. Murken, proud of his pugilistic prowess, accepts the challenge, setting the stage for a brutal and decisive confrontation. The fight is a testament to Costigan’s resilience and determination, unfolding under the sweltering heat and the watchful eyes of the island’s assorted denizens. Despite being poisoned by his own cornerman, Costigan triumphs, knocking Murken out and seemingly winning Diane’s hand.

However, in a twist, it is revealed that Diane’s affections lie with another—Armand, a young man she had loved all along. Diane’s plea for Costigan’s help was a ruse, a desperate strategy to use his fighting skills to liberate both herself and Armand from Murken’s grasp. The story concludes with Costigan, battered but undaunted, facilitating the couple’s escape to a new life, while he returns to the Sea Girl, his true love, ready to face whatever the next port has in store.

Characters and ships

  • Steve Costigan: The protagonist, a sailor and a boxer with a strong sense of justice and a soft spot for damsels in distress.
  • Diane: A French dancer trapped on Barricuda, who seeks Costigan’s help to escape Shark Murken’s clutches.
  • Shark Murken: The antagonist, a formidable former boxer turned ruthless trader and smuggler, who claims ownership over Diane.
  • Armand: Diane’s true love, a background figure until the story’s end, when his relationship with Diane is revealed.
  • The Fireman: A steamer fireman who acts as an ally to Costigan, aiding him in the aftermath of his fight with Murken.
  • Sea Girl: The merchant ship Costigan sails on, representing his true home and where his loyalties ultimately lie.

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